School Websites

Yup, (written me moi).

It's got info for new people (training times, prices, maps so people can find us), news, club syllabus, guides (techniques, sets etc.), equipment prices, member listings, rankings and photos, articles and a gallery.

We have a site that has a page for each class we teach. It outlines a little about the class, what to expect if attending a class, what to wear, etc, etc. Also, it lists our full schedule, history of our system, history of kung fu in general and history of tai chi. We have a section for our demo team as well.
We also have a forum thats open to the public, but mostly used by our students and students within the US Kung Fu Exchange.

All that and now I must say it is down for some major overhualing and also by mistake of our hosting service who allowed the domain to fall into redemption period before renewing it!!!:mad:

Oh well, It should be back up by the first of Feb.


It's constantly evolving. Currently it contains:

- Basic Class Descriptions
- Instructor Bios
- Schedule
- Pictures from past events
- Upcomming Seminars
- Directions and Contact Info
- Links

We'll eventually have a page for each program, pictures of all the instructors, an intergrated monthly newsletter/message from the instructors, an mailing list signup form, perhaps more.

- Matt
I just wish I had the know how/time. or money to make it fancier, but it serves it's purpose. It's informative, and has it's own decent forum, but not enough Tracy people use it, and I know they're out there. I've written to enough people, that's for sure.

Even the famous "Goldendragon " has lurked around a bit, and is in da Photo Gallery along with the "Hitman" Seig.:cool:
Our school's website in my signature line has history, pictures, school info, and many good links.

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