

MTS Alumni
Does anyone know a place I can have a Replacement Saya made for my Katana? I would suppose that I will have to send my sword someplace to have this done... I haven't had much luck locating anyplace near Chicago that can do it for me...
Who made the sword? I believe has a service that can refurbish their swords, but I don't know if they do blades made by other companies. I think Bugei Trading Company has a service available as well.

Be prepared to spend a pretty penny in either case. This is a lot more expensive a prospect than many imagine.
The blade was made by Cicada Forge, the Fuchi, menuki, and the Tsuba were made by AOI, and the tsuka and scabbard were originaly made by a sword company in CA, who also assembled the whole thing, if memory serves me correctly. (I don't believe the saya came from Cicada with the blade.)

The problem is, that as much as I LOVE my sword, I do not approve of the fit of the saya, if the sword is parked in the saya, it's IMPOSSIBLE to draw. (I have to brace the sword between my knees and pull with both hands, VERY BAD) If I leave the blade loose with the Habiki barely in the scabard, it is so loose the sword wants to fall out when I move...

With the overall cost of the Katana, I'd very much like to have a FUNCTIONAL saya, even if I have to throw a couple hundred bucks more into it...
Originally posted by Technopunk

The problem is, that as much as I LOVE my sword, I do not approve of the fit of the saya, if the sword is parked in the saya, it's IMPOSSIBLE to draw. (I have to brace the sword between my knees and pull with both hands, VERY BAD) If I leave the blade loose with the Habiki barely in the scabard, it is so loose the sword wants to fall out when I move...

You can if you feel up to it, fix this yourself.

The place were the saya should bind is were the cutting edge stops and the habaki starts. It's a litlle flat area. On the inside of the saya you can use some sand paper to rub it down. But be careful or you can take away to much. If the sword is fitted correctly this should help.

If it isn't fitted correctly you'll have to find our were it doesn't fit, and slowly work your way through by sandpapring until the only spot that binds is the area mentioned before.

Now if after you've sandpapired everything, and the area on the habaki doesn't bind. Take a small piece of bamboo and glue it in the saya right were the flate area of the habaki goes into the saya. This should do it.

I have found fingernail files to be useful for this kind of work. When I shimmed my saya I used toothpicks to shim it up and then used a fingernail file to sand it down to a perfect fit.

It'll take a long time, but it will help prevent over-sanding. Very good for fine tuning.
Originally posted by Charles Mahan
I have found fingernail files to be useful for this kind of work. When I shimmed my saya I used toothpicks to shim it up and then used a fingernail file to sand it down to a perfect fit.

It'll take a long time, but it will help prevent over-sanding. Very good for fine tuning.

Great Idea! Never thought about toothpicks! Sometimes the simple things lay just in front of you!!!!

Im frightened to try this...

But I suppose if I make the saya worse, at worst I would still just need to have it replaced, right?

Can one of you direct me to somplace I might go to get SPECIFIC instructions (preferably with illustrations) or perhaps you could accomodate this request for me?

I'd really appreciate this...
Havn't seen any web sites about this, sorry. Maybe Charles knows some?

If you have the chance to talk to any sword (kendo/iaido) schools they might be able to help you.

I dont know you, but I would try, and did with my own. You cant use it as it is, if you use patiance, you should be OK.

Originally posted by Technopunk
Does anyone know a place I can have a Replacement Saya made for my Katana? I would suppose that I will have to send my sword someplace to have this done... I haven't had much luck locating anyplace near Chicago that can do it for me...
Give a shout over on . I have seen some articles in the past posted there by someone that makes saya and could probably help you out..

Gene Gabel:asian:

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