Saving energy... with paint!!!

I'll bet someone is already developing a roofing material that turns dark in the cold and light in the heat.

Could be.

I was thinking that making roads lighter in color might not be a good thing in the North and Northeast USA in February but if they would get darker in the cold that might actually make things better... although it would likely make just about everything related to paving more expensive I imagine.
I'll bet someone is already developing a roofing material that turns dark in the cold and light in the heat.

I think it would be neat to mirror our roofs. Seems like that would relfes heat away from our houses.

Airline pilots would love that.


Mirror, heck lets use photovotaic cells and put those rays o' sunshine to work!
Mirror, heck lets use photovotaic cells and put those rays o' sunshine to work!

Now wait a minute...That's just crazy talk

Photovoltaic cells INDEED!!! Why put them to work when you can wastefully reflect them back into the sky

I suppose the next thing you'll suggest is using the wind and ocean waves for energy :D
Mirror, heck lets use photovotaic cells and put those rays o' sunshine to work!

Well, my first thought was to mirror my ceilings but Mrs. Smurf is a bit shy.....

I do like the thought of solar panels on the roof. I really like the thought of solar panels on the roof each month when the electric bill arrives. I like the thought of saving the world, but I really like the thought of sticking it to the power company.


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