Rush Limbaugh's theory of Liberal Anti-semitism!


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
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Thought y'all may find this interesting...

Today, (January 11th, 2005), Rush Limbaugh vented his angst at the term "NEOCON"...Limbaugh asserts that neocon is codeword for republican Jews!

Hmmmm, this is yet another exampe of dialectic race baiting. Rush is tacitly claiming that "Liberals" are anti-semetic, classic doublespeak worthy of Goebbels.

Limbaugh then listed jewish names off of the PNAC membership such as Wolfowitz, Kristol, and Pearle as proof of this radical liberal anti-semetic conspiracy.

This is interesting given that a vast portion of the Bush family fortunes rest on patriarch Prescott's trading with Hitler and running Fritz Thyssens Silesian Steel plants which used Auschwitz slave labor...

I forget now...who are the Neocons?


PS - Yeah, I'm a little upset... :jedi1:
This is a classic example of the Right Wing media in action! It is so obvious! Now, whenever someone brings up the "neocons" and attempts to air out the laundry list (the butchers bill), the Right can just dash it away with claims of anti-semitism. The debate ends with a stunned liberal attempting to understand yet another baseless/factless charge.

I suspect we can expect "Act III of the five act play" soon...
upnorthkyosa said:
This is a classic example of the Right Wing media in action! It is so obvious! Now, whenever someone brings up the "neocons" and attempts to air out the laundry list (the butchers bill), the Right can just dash it away with claims of anti-semitism. The debate ends with a stunned liberal attempting to understand yet another baseless/factless charge.

I suspect we can expect "Act III of the five act play" soon...
Our it could be an attempt to 'bait' replies to maintain/improve ratings for his talk format shows.....

He is a commercial radio celeb isn't he? He may be using the topic of politics but in the end he is a radio personallity.

The more argumentative calls he gets the higher his ratings will be, the higher they can charge for advertising while his show is airing, the more syndication stations will pay in to the Rush man's game.....

If it is baiting, it is as much media stirring as it is anything 'real.'
Limbaugh didn't even invent this particular bit of rhetoric; this has been bouncing among the Freepers and other radical right-wing bloggers for some-time, and Lim-bag just decided to clue into it as another verbal assault on anyone who disagrees with Neoconservative policy, apparently.
Maybe he is just honoring the contract to talk about what the Administration wishes he talk about. You know ... visa vie Armstrong.
This is just so bizarre, I don't understand it, unless it's more pulling-the-wool-over-eyes, or some bizarre ratings push.

There seems to be less and less connection - even tentative or tenuous - between what people say and what they actually believe/think is real.

Even nutjobs like Rush can't believe this bull-hooey.
Rush is my litmus test for insanity. People tell me they listen to Rush and I smile politely and make a mental note not to trust them with sharp objects or fire.
Feisty Mouse said:
Even nutjobs like Rush can't believe this bull-hooey.
Don't think for a second that people aren't capable, and willing, to believe this kind of thing. When we ignore this sort of fascist rabble-rousing, we leave ourselves vulnerable to it and all the other tools of propaganda that the right-wing machine use to manipulate people.
Yeah well,

Rush is a freak... how anyone can take him seriously is quite perpelxing, considering I have never even been able to make it all the way thru one of his shows...
I think his following is dying. I haven't seen or heard one of his shows in 10 years.

Same with Savage. Even though he's syndicated(sp?) none of his stuff is aired out here on the East coast that I know of.

Still, the lefties prop these guys up as the champions of the right wing cause. I must be missing something.
Well, at the risk of injecting reality into the claim that conservative white guys are an oppressed minority that nobody listens to:

That is, of course, as of Spring, 2003. Too lazy to research that much, one suspects somehow that conservatism has not become LESS popular since the War and the election...but always happy to learn new facts.

Similarly, Savage--and the books of all these guys--are best-sellers nationwide. And the bizarre Ann Coulter, and Laura Ingraham, and and and...

Then there's the odd fact that over and over and over again on this Forum, conservatives/right-wingers seem to bring up issues, cite events, and offer, "proofs," that are pretty much word for word what's been on Rush, Savage, or Hannity during the preceding couple of weeks.

Huh. Collective unconscious, ya think?
I guess I'd be curious enough to ask where the claim comes from? I mean, any of us can make up fantastic arguements from the opposition and counter them on a web forum. I just don't see what you're arguing against.

Oh, let me see if I can do this....One wasn't arguing that conservatism has declined, but rather the popularity of a few radio talk show hosts. Ooh the horror.

Yea, you know what else made it to the "best-seller's list"? AMERICA (THE BOOK), by Jon Stewart, Ben Karlin and David Javerbaum. Wow. Have I stumbled across the sacred text of Liberalism? Is this where they get their divine inspiration? I've been so misguided...

Then there's the odd fact that over and over and over again on this Forum, conservatives/right-wingers seem to bring up issues, cite events, and offer, "proofs," that are pretty much word for word what's been on Rush, Savage, or Hannity during the preceding couple of weeks.

You offer nothing to support this, nor viable proof that conservatives listen to this and repreat it here. Anyone with a TV and enought brains to comprehend the news can probably come out with roughly the same viewpoint.

Tell me, does this not apply to all the lefties on this board. You've all tuned in to the same cosmic liberal frequency (fantasy) but yet all the conservatives require a daily spoonfeeding from the dark side? Maybe it was the Karma-Stewart.
MisterMike said:
I think his following is dying. I haven't seen or heard one of his shows in 10 years.
You aren't trying very hard MisterMike. Rush is the second most syndicated talk radio host in America (Behind Paul Harvey).

He's on 5 stations in Massachusetts.
He's on 7 stations in New Hampshire.
michaeledward said:
You aren't trying very hard MisterMike. Rush is the second most syndicated talk radio host in America (Behind Paul Harvey).

He's on 5 stations in Massachusetts.
He's on 7 stations in New Hampshire.

And what times do his programs air? And based on those times, who do you think is listening?
MisterMike said:
And what times do his programs air? And based on those times, who do you think is listening?
His program runs 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. He has 20 million listeners a week.
Somebody is listening to him.
michaeledward said:
His program runs 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. He has 20 million listeners a week.
Somebody is listening to him.
Alot of people do listen to him....because he does stuff like this. He stirs up people, he takes obviously extreme stances and gets callers to rant on the air.
So the conservative/right-wing side doesn't HAVE any facts, but is relying on the theory that books by Limbaugh, Savage, Hannity, Coulter, D'Souza, LaHaye, Koontz et al have never been on bestseller lists; that shows like Hannity & Who Cares and "Crossfire," aren't popular; that guys like Goerge F. Will and Laura Ingraham and William F. Buckley aren't visible everywhere; that radio hosts like Limbaugh, Savage, etc. aren't heard everywhere.


Still sticking to that whole, "it's middle-class straight white Christians who are the true minority," theory, eh?
michaeledward said:
His program runs 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. He has 20 million listeners a week.
Somebody is listening to him.

LOL..yeah, about 15 million of his critics - oh and rmcrobertson.
loki09789 said:
Our it could be an attempt to 'bait' replies to maintain/improve ratings for his talk format shows.....

He is a commercial radio celeb isn't he? He may be using the topic of politics but in the end he is a radio personallity.

The more argumentative calls he gets the higher his ratings will be, the higher they can charge for advertising while his show is airing, the more syndication stations will pay in to the Rush man's game.....

If it is baiting, it is as much media stirring as it is anything 'real.'

It is probably some of both. Rush clearly has an agenda to promote...his own and that of the far Right.

Consequently, Rush's show has one of the largest audience of any radio show in the US. He is so influential that Newt Gingrich credits him for the 1994 takeover of the House of Reps. Hell, Rush was named an "honorary congressmen" by Gingrich for this (whatever that means).

In this case, Rush is attempting to attach anti-semitism to the term "neocon". Whether it makes sense or not, this is a way of controlling debate and distracting the issue. For instance, if in the future, lets say the war in Iraq goes very badly and someone says (quite correctly) that this was nothing but a radical neoconservative plan, a person versed in "limbaughese" can counter with a charge of anti-semitism....and suddenly the truth of the matter is lost chasing a red herring.

This is typical of the things done in the right wing echo chamber...


PS - I would like to see if anyone can find the equivolent of this kind of thing on the Left...
upnorthkyosa said:
PS - I would like to see if anyone can find the equivolent of this kind of thing on the Left...

You probably can't. Left wing talk radio is a flop becuse they can't win on any of the issues.

Unless you want an example of shifting debate by the left. Just tell them you are against affirmative action and they call you a racist.

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