Ron Paul For America

Anyone whose racism that close to the surface and who glad-hands Don Black would drive me to vote for Clinton or Giuliani.
Don't beleive the hype. Ron Paul is not the establishment candidate. If he had a chance, he'd be dead.

At the very least, its race-bait or poverty/slavery because our monetary system collapses.

So, you decide what's important. If you and yours ever want something thats worth working for, then this is your vote. Or you can pick at the minute bits that take us apart...

As sorry as this is to say, but like I said before, this is the height of my cynicism in regards to American politics.
"States Rights" was/is a code word for racism. That discussion is taking place elsewhere on this board.

In Dr. Paul's case, there are many charges of racism hurled about. Honestly, I have not given them too much consideration, because I don't necessarily buy into them. In 2007, we are quite distant from 1957.

But, I also think there is a difference between the idea pushing power back toward the States, away from the Federal government AND flying the Stars and Bars over the South Carolina Capital Building.

I think it is possible for a 'Constitutionalist' to be color blind.

I could be completely wrong about Dr. Paul on this issue. And I think my correctness will never be tested, unfortunately.
"States Rights" was/is a code word for racism. That discussion is taking place elsewhere on this board.

In Dr. Paul's case, there are many charges of racism hurled about. Honestly, I have not given them too much consideration, because I don't necessarily buy into them. In 2007, we are quite distant from 1957.

But, I also think there is a difference between the idea pushing power back toward the States, away from the Federal government AND flying the Stars and Bars over the South Carolina Capital Building.

I think it is possible for a 'Constitutionalist' to be color blind.

I could be completely wrong about Dr. Paul on this issue. And I think my correctness will never be tested, unfortunately.

I defintely agree!

Not only is it possible for 'Constitutionalists' to be color blind, I think they are more likely to not give a rats **** about color than people those that pull out the race card against the 'Cinstitutionalists'.

The whole 'States Rights' as a codeword has become quite a powerful meme and a sorry and unfortunate method for big centralized government proponents to attempt to counter the arguments used by those, like Dr. Paul, that believe the 10th Amendment guarantees more state sovereignty than they are getting.
Well, I think there can be a problem with 'not giving a rats ****' about color. I think there have been, and continue to be many injustices when looking at race, and nationality. I think we need to be constantly vigilant about our prejudices; to ensure that each and all have equal opportunity.

Concerning Dr. Paul I don't know that fairness and equity play a large part in his make up. And, I don't think we are going to get to find out if it does, or not.
I have always liked Ron Paul since he spoke out about our involvement in Kosovo. Unfortunately, he is too "extremist" for the power players and their sheep. I would like to see his changes take place.

I am registered Republican but have grown sick of them since before Perot ran for office and I have yet to see any democrat I would vote for. In my opinion, at the national level, the whole voting process is simply charades for the masses. There are all these little sound bites and squabbles over unimportant things that either divide or bring together the people, bringing them inline with the political current, distracting them from the real issues that need to be dealt with. It takes people like Ron Paul that is thinking outside of the sandbox.

If Ron Paul, makes the ticket, I will vote for him.
To whom? Why to anyone who isn't a superior, self-satisfied racist and despises Nazis such as Paul's friend and supporter Don "Stormfront" Black.

Primarily to those who might agree with him on issues but harbor reservations about voting for someone with virulently racist, homophobic, or generally wacktastic views. Of the people I know who are endorsing Ron Paul, most aren't Republicans - they tend to be left-leaners saying to the Republicans, "Yeah, good idea! You should vote for that guy!" I would think that a good portion of those people might take issue with some of the quotes attributed either to Paul or his spokespeople. So if these are neither his quotes nor his views, he may want to explain that.
Well, I think there can be a problem with 'not giving a rats ****' about color. I think there have been, and continue to be many injustices when looking at race, and nationality. I think we need to be constantly vigilant about our prejudices; to ensure that each and all have equal opportunity.

Concerning Dr. Paul I don't know that fairness and equity play a large part in his make up. And, I don't think we are going to get to find out if it does, or not.

How can a 'colorblind' person, as you put it, be any more vigilant than one that believes in equality/'doesn't give a rats ****'? Other than being 'colorblind' suggests that they are too ignorant to hold prejudices.
This could get interesting... Paul may have some 'splainin to do. Angry White Man

The New Republic saying bad things about an extremely conservative, libertarian politician? .... I think somebody is trying to protect their power base. Of course, The New Republic has had decreasing visibility, and subscriber base, for quite some time.
How can a 'colorblind' person, as you put it, be any more vigilant than one that believes in equality/'doesn't give a rats ****'? Other than being 'colorblind' suggests that they are too ignorant to hold prejudices.

If this is a serious question;

One can be indifferent to the starting line in the American experience. In our history, people like me, have had a starting line closer to the finish line than other people. A colorblind person can also choose to be ignorant of that fact.

Alternatively, one can look at those whom in our society who have a starting line further from the finish line, and recognize this inequality, and take steps to make sure all the players in the game, get to play by the same rules, and have an equal opportunity to participate / win.
If this is a serious question;

One can be indifferent to the starting line in the American experience. In our history, people like me, have had a starting line closer to the finish line than other people. A colorblind person can also choose to be ignorant of that fact.

Alternatively, one can look at those whom in our society who have a starting line further from the finish line, and recognize this inequality, and take steps to make sure all the players in the game, get to play by the same rules, and have an equal opportunity to participate / win.

Even if you think your starting line was closer to your finish line, you and all the rest of us have been duped from the very beginning. The abhorent prejudice against blacks and all people of color was decided decades ago, enforced by openly known organizations as well as secret societies. The entire system is made to profit at the hands of elites, whether by slowly disengaging money from having any relation to a hard asset like gold or silver, or banking and mortgage shenanigins.

Ron Paul is the only candidate who is speaking plainly about systemic issues.
Ron Paul at the 1-24-2008 debates in Florida.

The media has been telling everyone that there are only four Republican candidates left. Dr. Paul's name is not even being mentioned unless there is an event like this and then they go out of their way to marginalize him. It's not fair. America deserves better and IMHO, I think that some of Dr. Paul's ideas are the only thing that will save this country from disaster.
The media have decided, and Paul isn't on their list.

You mean network media... who cares, their market share is so small now they are all be irrelevent. If you travel to foriegn countries you will see a much more aggressive cnn or whatever half baked american multi death corporation fluff spewing channel we get here. Joe American public is a laughing stock in many places- Censorship is wrong and that is what we get here... a filter. When overseas I have seen a much different perspective.

It's like we have become the british all over again... lazy sheeple, it is a bit scary when viewing from the outside looking in. Our government is exceedingly corrupt now matter what side you support and the people in the middle have been duped by all parties.
Most Americans don't take the time to tune in forign news, or read non-mainstream newspapers. Hell, most don't bother to look beyond the commercials for info on issues.

So it is when people don't care. If enough people cared, they could force change.

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