Pressure Points in Karate


Mark Kline

""The movements in karate katas contain the angle and direction to attack pressure points"

Thoughts? Disagree? Agree? I am interested in your opinion
Mark you should talk to Gou Ronin in the Kenpo section. He know Ron Chapel and plays with Sub Level 4, pressure pionts in Kenpo.

The Renegade "Hartman"
I can relate to the pressure points in American Kenpo techniques. While I have been playing with the stuff that Ron Chap'el has offered to me, my instructor has been working on them himself. Both my instructor and myself also have been doing some training in Systema and looking at the these points. Unfortunatly for me I am his test dummy. However it does give me a first hand experience. While I have never been knocked out, even in boxing, I have been given a standing knock out with the simplist of American Kenpo techniques. So, if you look at it, the first techs that are taught to yellow belts contain these points for use.

However, many of the American Kenpo Kata (We call them forms and sets) are comprised of motion to teach motion. They are not like other Kata of other styles which have an imaginary opponent to fight. Not till the later forms are they "Live" or against imagined opponents. I have been shown though that these points exist in Kata/Form and many people are taught them but they are only "seen" when you look for them.

The Renegade himself has shown me things such as "Trapping Hands" which contain pressure point strikes. It seems to be all in the application of the techniques and the points stuck.

Hope this helps.

One of my Arnis students is an advanced student in pressure points. I was impressed at how easily he was able to incorporate pressure points into the drills and forms.

I have also started using pressure points in my Karate applications. It works well for us.
As I stated earlier. I think pressure points have value. Especially in contact manipulation. Added to other arts I think they increase the value of the art's defense. However, alone, I don't count on them to be the "end all be all."

As far as these no-touch knock outs, well, I have seen some weird stuff go down and I am not one to discount anything but until I feel I will remain skeptical.:confused:
Our group hosted a private seminar with a local Arnis instructor, and he demonstrated a "parlor trick" ,his words not mine, that amazed all of us.

It was off a wrist grab. cross grab, same side, it didn't matter.
With a gentle tap on the inside of the attackers wrist, with two fingers and everyone who grabbed him let go.

He said that there are two points that make the hand release.
I was suprised at how lightly he had to touch to make me let go.
No pain, but I could not hang on.

Neat stuff!
If you find it works for you and it works consistantly than I would not have a problem with no longer calling it a parlour trick and throw that baby in your repetoire! ;)
Good point. However I intend to put it to a better test.

I want to try it on someone who isn't familiar with it.
If it works on an unsuspecting person I might have more faith in using it.
Definitely a good plan. A lot of the so-called qi/ki/chi abilities are really performed by unconcious participation of the person being demonstrated upon. I could invoke 'Sifu' Mooney's name again, but that's a whole 'nother can o' worms.

I know that in some of our forms (katas) many of the blocks we do are targeted at the major nerves to paralys the limbs of the would be attacker. Many of our strikes are also the same.
Well I have to say that the Okarate page is "interesting" to say the least.

"Interesting" in the fact that the techniques on the sample section I saw were a little "too similar" to techniques my teacher introduced to the US about 30 years ago.
In 14 years of living in Japan and meeting many of the noted Karate masters of Okinawa I have yet to see techniques similar to the ones my teacher does.
I know which pirated tape of my teachers that those techniques came off of as well.
Some of the techniques on that site are actually done incorrectly by the way. # 3 to be specific.
In the second picture of #3 the defender has his elbow too high and with the wrong grip. If the Uke (attacker) were too clentch his fist it wouldn't be good for the defender and that is just for starters, although I can't see his feet I would bet they are not correct as well.

I am almost surprised he didn't swipe our name too.
Ours is called RyuTe Renmei (Reg. Trademark) and his is called Ryukyu-Te............pretty close.
Could thing our Assc. has a licensed trade mark on that name or I bet he would have gone for that as well.
Doing number 2 on a woman like that is rude!
None of these techniques used pressure points. Wrist locks against the bone maybe, but generally ineffective ones at that. All of the locks require an extreme amount of strength to break, strength that most males and almost all females don't have, which makes them lack value. The people doing the techniques in the pictures were inept, and the attackers didn't even look like they were in pain. Bad website.
Actually if the techniques in the pictures are done "correctly" they are highly effective and extremely painful and don't require a great amount of strength.
I have been to some George Dillman seminars and he has knocked me out using pressure points so I know they work. I dropped like a rock. Check out his website at

I don't think anyone debates the use of pressure points but rather the ability to use them in a confrontation.
I have incorporated pressure points in what I do. I see you are from London, do you train with anyone locally in this, as I know there is a club in London that teaches this that is quite knowledgable on the subject.

I am in London. I am assuming you are going to say "Steve Stewart's Modern Martial Arts."

Am I correct?
Getting back to pressure points in Karate, the Karate-Do Kyohan shows some pressure points. I haven't read it but I trust the person telling me that it shows them, especially as they are listed in the index. You might want to look into getting a copy of it.