Practical Wing Chun


2nd Black Belt
Does anyone have any experience with practical Wing Chun by Sifu wan kan Leung? How is it different from other lineages?
Don't know anything about Practical Wing Chun but claims he is one of only a few to be certified Senior Instructor by WSL.
I'll pass a little of the intel I know. According to an article from an older WCI, WKLeung was WSL most senior student. He is well versed in Qigong and evidently incorporated that into his teachings. HIS teachings are quite different from WSLVT and had diverse reactions from visitors, because of those differences. During those 50 years he made a total re-vamp of his SiFu's system, and with full consent of his SiFu.
He promised Wong SiFu he would never use his name to promote himself and He also promised that once he died, he would change the name of his system and call it Practical Wing Chun, to stop any confusion between the two. His mantra is, 'One must keep moving forward' and this seemed to make WSL genuinely proud of his student for evolving thru elevation, [not just changing for that sake].

The article goes on to explain the differences. Personally.. from the few vids of interviews, and comments of those who knew WSL, he is one of the few Sifu's I would have really enjoyed sharing tea with.
Issue #14, if anyone's interested.
Does anyone have any experience with practical Wing Chun by Sifu wan kan Leung? How is it different from other lineages?

While Wan Kam Leung has changed his curriculum from what Wong Shun Leung taught, the Practical Wing Chun system retains the core WSLVT principals. Having experienced PWC personally, it was easy for me to recognize that it is still WSLVT. There are a lot of spiraling movements, predominantly from the Tan Sau. You will also find that Lan Sau, Crossing-Hand and Passing are implemented often, along with the use of dominating forward pressure and structure.

The biggest differences are in the open-hand forms. While they may seem a bit strange, it's not hard to see how all the shapes support the actions of the system as a whole. I would say there is very little wasted movement. From a WSLVT perspective, I incorporate much of WKL's theories into my personal Wing Chun.

WKL is one of the nicest people in the Wing Chun community you'll ever meet. He's very humble (yet very talented) and open to talking about both PWC and his relationship with WSL. Most PWC kwoons allow visitors to come and train if they are interesting in learning more about the system.

Two great interviews that give solid insight to WKL:

Part 1: Interview with Sifu Wan Kam Leung – San Diego 2016 – Part 1 of 2
Part 2: Interview with Sifu Wan Kam Leung – San Diego 2016 – Part 2 of 2
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Does anyone have any experience with practical Wing Chun by Sifu wan kan Leung? How is it different from other lineages?
No I don't DanT and not sure if this is something I have heard about or not, but I have heard there is Wing Chun that is not of Ip Man's lineage. This is very feasible as Ip Man did not invent WC and he did study with other students so as long as those students continued to teach, maybe one of them called it "Practical' and passed it on.
Their Bong Sao is backward... I had an ongoing dispute with one of those guys... We could find no common ground until one day he sent me pics and a vid. His Bong Sao is a totally different animal. We have a running joke now any time either of us comments on the others thread, we end with "and your Bong Sao is still wrong" lol.
I've trained once with Practical Wing Chun guys, they're all good in my book. My BM teacher applauded Wan Kam Leung when he ditched Bong Sau (something that he did very recently) saying, "now the technique is like in other close range Southern styles".
No I don't DanT and not sure if this is something I have heard about or not, but I have heard there is Wing Chun that is not of Ip Man's lineage. This is very feasible as Ip Man did not invent WC and he did study with other students so as long as those students continued to teach, maybe one of them called it "Practical' and passed it on.

I think I asked about this on another thread. Interesting how you never hear of any descendants of Ip Man's contemporaries. He is like the Spider-Man of Wing Chun. On every issue of Marvel Comics, they got a picture of Spider-Man in the corner, whether it is a Spider-Man title or not. You say "Wing Chun" and most people (those who recognize that style anyway) think of Ip Man or Bruce Lee, and no one else.
I've trained once with Practical Wing Chun guys, they're all good in my book. My BM teacher applauded Wan Kam Leung when he ditched Bong Sau (something that he did very recently) saying, "now the technique is like in other close range Southern styles".

Huh, how can u ditch bong sau??

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