
Originally posted by Kroy

If in by pool you mean billiards, then I am an avid player whether I am at the pool table or on the training mat in a Kenpo class. They are virtually the same thing. You make each shot setting up fro the next if there is no shot to be taken you set up your opponent to miss. Kenpo class helped my game when it came to palying pool. And pool has helped my kenpo with the theort of always setting up for the nect strike.
If it's billiard's I'm not your guy. If your talking about a swimming pool then that's another story.;)
I do the Pool game on the table...or the swimming pool! Well rounded! :)
Jay u r one crazy guy lol, no it's like rob says it's all about kenpo
and how to play the game.
But let me throw this out there, think about this?
can you do DANCE OF DEATH with the person throwing a right punch while stepping up with the right leg??

yours in kenpo
they were bells on a hill but i never heard them ringing
I have a table, in my family room.

I like to shoot, just not the best :)
Originally posted by lonekimono
Jay u r one crazy guy lol, no it's like rob says it's all about kenpo
and how to play the game.
But let me throw this out there, think about this?
can you do DANCE OF DEATH with the person throwing a right punch while stepping up with the right leg??

yours in kenpo :shrug:

Ofcourse you can, pool just about the angles, and so is kenpo. Just like in pool you have options of availablility for your shots, you could do Dance of Death to the opposite side of the body. Or you could step off line and to angle around the leg and punch as you executed the inward block, the groin may be obscured but you could always use a forearm strike across the solar plexus. Since the actions of the forearm strike and the ridge hand to the groing have the same point of origin there should be no problem altering the technique. Dance of Death and Thundering Hammers are related techniques.
Hey rob i think that u and i are the only one's who understand what the pool game is all about.
and i see that we share alot when it comes to kenpo .

yours in kenpo
i think i'll color this man father
Originally posted by lonekimono
Hey rob i think that u and i are the only one's who understand what the pool game is all about.
and i see that we share alot when it comes to kenpo .

yours in kenpo :asian:

We actually do share a lot in common when it comes to kenpo, just check out my posts inthe Best Scam thread.
can i call you brother now???lol
all i can say is WOW thats some sh#@ i know all about what the tracy thing is, but the other one when i read that, it was like i was reading about what happen to me, i mean why don't you and i go hang these guys up by there feet??
yes rob we really have the same kenpo blood in us, but like someone said," YOU THE MAN"

yours in kenpo
doesn't anyone know what time it is?
Sure I like to play pool. Not to good at the game but i sure as hell can slam some beers while playing to make it more fun for me. :asian:
I love shooting a good game of pool

How bout a good game of pool rachel :D

Chicago Green
Dragon :asian:
frist mike you are a funny guy to.
BUT THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE THE PEOPLE PLAYING POOL, i just put the pool game together with the art of kenpo
because they both have alot in common.
now maybe the jokes on me and all the people know this already.
but all in all i'm having a great time.

yours in kenpo
my papa said son your going drive me to drinking if you don't stop driving that hot rod lincoln
I have a pool table, but don't play often, so I'm not very good at that. I like play with my daughter (when she is home visiting)cause she is good, or I like to play with friends when I have a party at home. Other than that, I don't even see it in the the room.
It's a fun game, should play more often. :)
One of the best things you can learn from pool is the Chaos Principle , that is where the unkown is bound to happen and you have no control over it. Take the break, you know you want a ball to go down a pocket, some of can actually pick the ball that will drop, but what of the other 14 balls and the cue ball how much control do we have over them. This is a valuable lesson for the Kenpo pratcioner, the attacker punches you block it and hit him in the torso, we expect certain limbes to to move in a certain path from our actions, but some times other things happen do to unknow or unseen variables.

Any thoughts on this?
hey rob when you play pool(on the table) i use the light to hit the balls ,you can do the same thing with a person.
i had these two men(this was on my job) try to hit me,after the frist came at me, i did what i had to do,but the other one just stood there looking at me taking little step's over to me.
this is were the game of pool came into play.
i knew that he was going to swing at me,so i stepped up to him and took my left hand and went to grab his left hand( i knew that he was going to use his right hand to hit me with) so when he did that i took my right leg and hit him with a stick kick to his right thigh and at the same time i tracked up his inside body and right to his eye with my right hand. now thats playing pool.

yours in kenpo:asian:
you do the math