pocket stick/palm stick




i'm looking for info on the palm stick of the FMA known variously as pocket stick, olisi palad, tabik malit, etc. i'm mainly looking for history/background, but training progressions would be cool too.

Billy McGrath is teaching a seminar on April 5th in Hartford, CT. Topics to be covered:

Palm Stick

His palm stick curriculm is systematic and progressive. It also appears to be based on similar uses of empty hand/palm stick/knife.


Steve Lamade

thanks for the info. which reminds me, i owe you snailmail.

i do not think i will be able to make Tuhon McGrath's seminar for the same reason i could not make your/Bill S. cane seminars :-(

thanks - i neglected to post that i have that vid - it's one of my treasured vids in my collection.

i know mike knauf has a vid on palm stick and emptyhands and also rick faye has one.

i'm really looking for the origins/history/background, but the training drills are also cool.

p.s. i use to work so close to goodland. i miss that place! now i work near kinokuniya.

and on ebay or amazon auction/zshop (i forget which) i think i&i are selling the same vid, brand new for 19.99!
just noticed that FILIPINO MARTIAL ARTS magazine has the following articles, hmmm...

Vol 4 No. 2

Paggamit ng Sandata: Choice of Weapon -- The Kubaton - by Jerome Barber

Vol 4 No. 3

Using a Pen for Self Defense - by Kara Brown

Vol 4 No. 4

The Palm Stick Small Big Power - by Thomas J. Nardi, PH.D
Are we talking about a Dangbong here? :confused:

technically no, we are not talking the KMA's dan bong, but it's really the same thing in nature :)

i have some history from joo Bang Lee on it, read some Kuk Sool Won history also. do you have any hapkido info/links about the dan bong?

Ted Lucaylucay has a pretty good video that I think is still available. It was simply called "The Pocket Stick".

LOL @ Cthulu, you probably did not have time to read the thread and went to the bottom to post. i posted above saying i have the Ted Lucaylucay vid.
Yep! Must've completely skipped over that post! :)

At least now there are two endorsements for that vid on the thread :D


I practice Kombatan and the palm stick element is called dulo-dulo. I like it very much as it is roughly the same dimension as a 6"mag-lite; something I carry at work all the time.

hello Rob,

did you learn the history behind the dulo-dulo. i forgot, i've heard the pocket stick referred to as the dulo before, maybe it's more correct to say dulo-dulo or maybe Kombatan has it as dulo-dulo and some others say dulo.

BTW, i carry 2 mini-maglites with me :) one i will convert to koppo style stick with some cord.

I think dulo-dulo means "edges" or "tips"- I am really not sure so please don't quote me. I have spent a lot of time in boxing gyms but my hands and knuckles are in rough shape, however, my boxing combinations lend themselves to the dulo very easily. So I really like it as it has allowed me to learn something new as well as transfer older skills to a higher level.

