

Master Black Belt
Sep 30, 2005
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any info on penkak(sp!!) silat?
sites, videos, articles.. whatevers
AdrenalineJunky said:
Here's a neat little video game, lol . .I'll try and cough up something better.

Isn't there an FMA group?
penkak is not filippino
it's indonesian, so i didnt know where it goes!
it should go with malaysian as well.. i dont know!
thanks a lot for the material.. i'll be waiting for more :)
mantis said:
penkak is not filippino
it's indonesian, so i didnt know where it goes!
it should go with malaysian as well.. i dont know!
thanks a lot for the material.. i'll be waiting for more
Interesting, I always thought it was FMA, not a Malay MA. Well, you learn something new each day. This explains why my first instructor trained in Silat; though I have never. Silat is something I'd really like to lern more about. . .but I will have to save that for after my mastery of Krabi Krabong. . . .Muwahahahahahahaha!

Try this link Should get you started.
that's very rich
I can't agree with the specifics offered there. Pencak/Pentjak is a term used over an entire range of indegenous Indonesian fighting arts. Though certainly any naming out of Indonesia can be a challenge; the term is applied to far more than a single art (Don Dreager has some excellent literary works on the matter).

If I really had to generalize:
Pentjak Silat - A indegenous Indonesian art including combative and cultural elements.
Pukilan Silat - A stripped down art focused on the combative elements. According to some stories, these were gleened off the pentjak arts by Dutch and part-Dutch youths
Kuntao Silat - Hybrid arts of mixed Indonesian and Chinese heritige. It's also noteworthy, that China has arts called Kuntao, and Malasia has some as well.

Aaron, my compliments on your school's site, especially to your graphic artist (mine shows that it's an engineer doing it). I see your over in Tampa; if you ever get some free time and want to trade stories, play, etc, I'd welcome the opportunity.

I don't get over to Orlando often, but will see what I can do about getting down one of these Tuesdays. I don't get nearly enough time to play with other styles of Silat these days.

Jerry said:
I can't agree with the specifics offered there. Pencak/Pentjak is a term used over an entire range of indegenous Indonesian fighting arts. Though certainly any naming out of Indonesia can be a challenge; the term is applied to far more than a single art (Don Dreager has some excellent literary works on the matter).

If I really had to generalize:
Pentjak Silat - A indegenous Indonesian art including combative and cultural elements.
Pukilan Silat - A stripped down art focused on the combative elements. According to some stories, these were gleened off the pentjak arts by Dutch and part-Dutch youths
Kuntao Silat - Hybrid arts of mixed Indonesian and Chinese heritige. It's also noteworthy, that China has arts called Kuntao, and Malasia has some as well.

Aaron, my compliments on your school's site, especially to your graphic artist (mine shows that it's an engineer doing it). I see your over in Tampa; if you ever get some free time and want to trade stories, play, etc, I'd welcome the opportunity.

I don't get over to Orlando often, but will see what I can do about getting down one of these Tuesdays. I don't get nearly enough time to play with other styles of Silat these days.

Thanks for the compliments. My Guru is the one who does all the graffic arts stuff, he's very gifted with computers (whereas I am lucky to beat one into doing what I want). I'll be in Mississippi doing hurricane stuff this week but shoot me a PM and we might be able to arrange something for next week.

Silat Student said: Tool around on the various menu's and forums, there're also some clips up on the site.
good site!
funny the background they have
looks like a gangster place, i mean the walls, the bandana haha
good site, thanks
mantis said:
good site!
funny the background they have
looks like a gangster place, i mean the walls, the bandana haha
good site, thanks
As it was explained to me the Bandanna is part of the Traditional silat uniform, a part that I cannot remember the name of at the moment. The St. Cloud Group (which is where the pictures were taken since it's the group my instructor teaches) meets in a neighborhood park....I guess some punks have been using the walls to practice their art skills.


Silat is Pilipino, specificly Moro. Its not practised in Christianized regions and is part of the cultural heiritage of the Bangsamoro people. Pilipino silat is not called pencak, penjak or pentjak, just silat by its self.

Bersilat is Malaysian, but is used incorrectly. Bersilat means to "do silat". When you say "I do bersilat", your really saying, "I do, to do silat". More appropriate would just to say Silat or Gayong.

Yes as well, to Silat being a Malay art. Indonesians, Malaysians, Pilipinos, Brunians are all Malay people. As well as Madagascar, Singapore and Southern Thailand.
Silat Student said:
As it was explained to me the Bandanna is part of the Traditional silat uniform, a part that I cannot remember the name of at the moment. The St. Cloud Group (which is where the pictures were taken since it's the group my instructor teaches) meets in a neighborhood park....I guess some punks have been using the walls to practice their art skills.

Every ethnic group has a different name for the head cloth. I can think of at least three in the southern Philippines. Also different ties can have different meanings.

Sometimes eskrimadors walk around with a Moro head cloth not knowing that they just told me that they are a virgin or a widower. Thats what they get for using a Moro cloth with a Visayan or Tagalog art:).
Silat Student said:
As it was explained to me the Bandanna is part of the Traditional silat uniform, a part that I cannot remember the name of at the moment.

in bahasa indonesia/melayu, it's called 'ikat' or 'ikat kepala.' ikat just means tied or bound, and also is used to refer to a weaving method developed to a high degree in indonesia. kepala just means head.


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