*peeks in* ahem...newbie here...:-p (and a game for us!)

"Bottoms Up!" and drink!

:drinkbeer :drinkbeer

- Ceicei
Episode #106 of Star Trek is a favorite.
Favorite Foods should be eaten when you are down.

(And, wasnt It Vitameatavegamin?)
Los Angeles has crappy air quality, but you can see many stars.
What did you say you wanted $87 billion for again, Mr. President?
Acknowledge your fears, as only then will they be defeated.
Defeated armies march homewards, their dead carried solemnly on their shields, plodding slowly to the beat of an inaudible dirge.
Bagpipes remind me of something called a kilt.
kilt wearin pansies aint allowed on my viking warship ya foofy scot!

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