Passed my blue belt!


Nov 14, 2013
Reaction score
This weekend I tested for my blue belt and passed!

I feel like I barely passed. There's a series of 3 moves from the white belt that I still have trouble on bigger people. I struggled on a few of the higher belt ones as well.

However, I did demonstrate that I know the material, and I demonstrated my ability to improvise when things don't quite go according to plan. A few of my improvisations, my Master seemed impressed by. I think that's what allowed me to pass.

I'll be taking a break from Hapkido for a few months, so I'm glad I was able to get this test out of the way before that. Otherwise it might not be until next year before I was caught back up and ready to test again.

Keep practicing until you can get back in to it, as I know you will.

We'll see. I will have increased responsibilities in my Taekwondo school during that time, which is why I'm taking the break.
Nice work. It'll be interesting to see how those trouble spots are after the break. Sometimes the rust that builds up when we're away from them changes how we look at things that were giving us trouble.
Noooiiiiiice!!! And for some of my earlier belts, when I was uncertain of my belt size, could almost guarantee that I'd get hit in my own face with my belt (AND eye a couple of times) every time we did hiza ganmen geri (knee kick straight up).
Noooiiiiiice!!! And for some of my earlier belts, when I was uncertain of my belt size, could almost guarantee that I'd get hit in my own face with my belt (AND eye a couple of times) every time we did hiza ganmen geri (knee kick straight up).
How long were those belt ends, man???? :jimlad: