Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q1: Agility
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.
A. Faster than a speeding bullet.
B. AS FAST AS a speeding bullet and believes perfection is achievable
C. NOT QUITE as fast as a speeding bullet but is persuaded that ALL bullets have merit.
D. Would you believe... a SLOW bullet .. but never gives up believing penguins can fly.
E. SHOT with your own bullet while attempting to test the idea.
Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q2: Mentality
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.
A. Leaps tall buildings with a single bound
B. Must make running start to leap tall buildings but sees the possibility to “free the mind”
C. Can leap over short buildings only but believes this is adequate for a RURAL existence
D. Has smashed a few upper-floor windows in even short buildings when attempting to leap them but is prepared to practise diligently
E. Takes the elevator from the lobby and can see no merit in leaping buildings
F. Is afraid of heights and believes pigeons are inherently evil
Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q3: Belief
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.
A. Can walk on water
B. Can walk over short shallow stretches of water and is prepared to get wet
C. Runs well through puddles and believes in freeing the inner child and that Wellington boots CAN be cool
D. Believes the "Air" pouches in Nike Airs were not invented for nothing
E. Makes a better sailor

I is just kiddin wid all ahy'all and well this is the clearly documented result of the overabundance of time ... and the underabundance of sleep! Ha! ah but humour me... I am harmless really... go on now... FREE your mind
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.
A. Faster than a speeding bullet.
B. AS FAST AS a speeding bullet and believes perfection is achievable
C. NOT QUITE as fast as a speeding bullet but is persuaded that ALL bullets have merit.
D. Would you believe... a SLOW bullet .. but never gives up believing penguins can fly.
E. SHOT with your own bullet while attempting to test the idea.
Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q2: Mentality
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.
A. Leaps tall buildings with a single bound
B. Must make running start to leap tall buildings but sees the possibility to “free the mind”
C. Can leap over short buildings only but believes this is adequate for a RURAL existence
D. Has smashed a few upper-floor windows in even short buildings when attempting to leap them but is prepared to practise diligently
E. Takes the elevator from the lobby and can see no merit in leaping buildings
F. Is afraid of heights and believes pigeons are inherently evil
Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q3: Belief
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.
A. Can walk on water
B. Can walk over short shallow stretches of water and is prepared to get wet
C. Runs well through puddles and believes in freeing the inner child and that Wellington boots CAN be cool
D. Believes the "Air" pouches in Nike Airs were not invented for nothing
E. Makes a better sailor

I is just kiddin wid all ahy'all and well this is the clearly documented result of the overabundance of time ... and the underabundance of sleep! Ha! ah but humour me... I am harmless really... go on now... FREE your mind

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,