OK Turn Over Your Papers... And Begin!


Senior Master
MT Mentor
Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q1: Agility
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.

A. Faster than a speeding bullet.
B. AS FAST AS a speeding bullet and believes perfection is achievable
C. NOT QUITE as fast as a speeding bullet but is persuaded that ALL bullets have merit.
D. Would you believe... a SLOW bullet .. but never gives up believing penguins can fly.
E. SHOT with your own bullet while attempting to test the idea.

Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q2: Mentality
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.

A. Leaps tall buildings with a single bound
B. Must make running start to leap tall buildings but sees the possibility to “free the mind”
C. Can leap over short buildings only but believes this is adequate for a RURAL existence
D. Has smashed a few upper-floor windows in even short buildings when attempting to leap them but is prepared to practise diligently
E. Takes the elevator from the lobby and can see no merit in leaping buildings
F. Is afraid of heights and believes pigeons are inherently evil

Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q3: Belief
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.

A. Can walk on water
B. Can walk over short shallow stretches of water and is prepared to get wet
C. Runs well through puddles and believes in freeing the inner child and that Wellington boots CAN be cool
D. Believes the "Air" pouches in Nike Airs were not invented for nothing
E. Makes a better sailor


I is just kiddin wid all ahy'all and well this is the clearly documented result of the overabundance of time ... and the underabundance of sleep! Ha! ah but humour me... I am harmless really... go on now... FREE your mind ;)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Question #1: C
Question #2: D
Question #3: C

Somehow this test makes me feel like a failure. I need to lie down now.
Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q1: Agility
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.

A. Faster than a speeding bullet.
B. AS FAST AS a speeding bullet and believes perfection is achievable
C. NOT QUITE as fast as a speeding bullet but is persuaded that ALL bullets have merit.
D. Would you believe... a SLOW bullet .. but never gives up believing penguins can fly.
E. SHOT with your own bullet while attempting to test the idea.

Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q2: Mentality
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.

A. Leaps tall buildings with a single bound
B. Must make running start to leap tall buildings but sees the possibility to “free the mind”
C. Can leap over short buildings only but believes this is adequate for a RURAL existence
D. Has smashed a few upper-floor windows in even short buildings when attempting to leap them but is prepared to practise diligently
E. Takes the elevator from the lobby and can see no merit in leaping buildings
F. Is afraid of heights and believes pigeons are inherently evil

Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q3: Belief
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.

A. Can walk on water
B. Can walk over short shallow stretches of water and is prepared to get wet
C. Runs well through puddles and believes in freeing the inner child and that Wellington boots CAN be cool
D. Believes the "Air" pouches in Nike Airs were not invented for nothing
E. Makes a better sailor

All right, I bit! My answers are in red and bold... Did I pass, and what do I get in return?
I looked over tkdgirls shoulder while she was filling in her answers....I did change one for myself, though....

Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q1: Agility
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.

A. Faster than a speeding bullet.
B. AS FAST AS a speeding bullet and believes perfection is achievable
C. NOT QUITE as fast as a speeding bullet but is persuaded that ALL bullets have merit.
D. Would you believe... a SLOW bullet .. but never gives up believing penguins can fly.
E. SHOT with your own bullet while attempting to test the idea.

Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q2: Mentality
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.

A. Leaps tall buildings with a single bound
B. Must make running start to leap tall buildings but sees the possibility to “free the mind”
C. Can leap over short buildings only but believes this is adequate for a RURAL existence
D. Has smashed a few upper-floor windows in even short buildings when attempting to leap them but is prepared to practise diligently
E. Takes the elevator from the lobby and can see no merit in leaping buildings
F. Is afraid of heights and believes pigeons are inherently evil

Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q3: Belief
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.

A. Can walk on water
B. Can walk over short shallow stretches of water and is prepared to get wet
C. Runs well through puddles and believes in freeing the inner child and that Wellington boots CAN be cool
D. Believes the "Air" pouches in Nike Airs were not invented for nothing
E. Makes a better sailor

I am prepared to stay after school if I did poorly....
Jenna said:
Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q1: Agility
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.

A. Faster than a speeding bullet.
B. AS FAST AS a speeding bullet and believes perfection is achievable
C. NOT QUITE as fast as a speeding bullet but is persuaded that ALL bullets have merit.
D. Would you believe... a SLOW bullet .. but never gives up believing penguins can fly.
E. SHOT with your own bullet while attempting to test the idea.

Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q2: Mentality
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.

A. Leaps tall buildings with a single bound
B. Must make running start to leap tall buildings but sees the possibility to “free the mind”
C. Can leap over short buildings only but believes this is adequate for a RURAL existence
D. Has smashed a few upper-floor windows in even short buildings when attempting to leap them but is prepared to practise diligently
E. Takes the elevator from the lobby and can see no merit in leaping buildings
F. Is afraid of heights and believes pigeons are inherently evil

Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q3: Belief
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.

A. Can walk on water
B. Can walk over short shallow stretches of water and is prepared to get wet
C. Runs well through puddles and believes in freeing the inner child and that Wellington boots CAN be cool
D. Believes the "Air" pouches in Nike Airs were not invented for nothing
E. Makes a better sailor


I is just kiddin wid all ahy'all and well this is the clearly documented result of the overabundance of time ... and the underabundance of sleep! Ha! ah but humour me... I am harmless really... go on now... FREE your mind ;)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,

Jenna said:
Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q1: Agility
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.

A. Faster than a speeding bullet.
B. AS FAST AS a speeding bullet and believes perfection is achievable
C. NOT QUITE as fast as a speeding bullet but is persuaded that ALL bullets have merit.
D. Would you believe... a SLOW bullet .. but never gives up believing penguins can fly.
E. SHOT with your own bullet while attempting to test the idea.

Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q2: Mentality
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.

A. Leaps tall buildings with a single bound
B. Must make running start to leap tall buildings but sees the possibility to “free the mind”
C. Can leap over short buildings only but believes this is adequate for a RURAL existence
D. Has smashed a few upper-floor windows in even short buildings when attempting to leap them but is prepared to practise diligently
E. Takes the elevator from the lobby and can see no merit in leaping buildings
F. Is afraid of heights and believes pigeons are inherently evil

Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q3: Belief
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.

A. Can walk on water
B. Can walk over short shallow stretches of water and is prepared to get wet
C. Runs well through puddles and believes in freeing the inner child and that Wellington boots CAN be cool
D. Believes the "Air" pouches in Nike Airs were not invented for nothing
E. Makes a better sailor


I is just kiddin wid all ahy'all and well this is the clearly documented result of the overabundance of time ... and the underabundance of sleep! Ha! ah but humour me... I am harmless really... go on now... FREE your mind ;)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,

Question 1 : Tried to find out, but the gun exploded in my face when I pulled the trigger! :rofl:

Question 2 : Tried to leap, tripped and hurt myself, now, I take an elevator.

Question 3 : thought it was A, but went under immediately! So, now it seems like c is the best answer!
1. After shooting a gun once (actually, I just saw it in a movie) I created my own style of bullet...combines a 9mm bullet, a .22 casing and the powder off of a jelly donut. It hasn't been tested yet, but I like the way it looks.

2. Bruce lee didn't have to leap buildings. He thought that if you tried to leap buildings, that you were getting too wrapped up in the "style" of Architecture. Bruce lee would have walked around. I know because I read a book that quotes him.

3. My ninjitsudokan teacher taught me that if I meditate hard enough, I can become water and I don't have to walk on it, I can flow through it. He must be good at it because he lives in a PO box (thats the address he gave me when I sent him my $50,000.00 testing fee for 14th degree cyan belt). I never saw him do it, but I heard he can from one of his ex-student's brother's girlfriend's sister.

You guys!! Ha! Good sports y'all and thank you for humouring me it is good to know there are similarly silly kindred souls!! .. and when Confucius comes to you in a dream and states that there are NO right answers just ask him back.. if you are so clever C.. how comes you are dead? :D LOL

Nah.. just j/k and truly do not worry about getting the "right" answers... well.. unless ya wanna score well that is ;)

OK so.. results so far... *moves tongue to cheek*

fnorfurfoot: Well done for progressing so far along the path of your personal development! You passed! An acceptance that Wellington boots can indeed be cool shows great inner strength and pragmatism and openness to argument! And on this basis you are hereby cordially invited into the Masonic Philosophers Templar inner circle (who are a somewhat strange agglomeration of things) to enjoy and participate in heated chamber debates on the metaphysics of religiosity and on which colour pants are best for fighting in .... Oh and there is free beer at the bar for all Templars who swear themselves to temperance and sobriety.. Welcome and enjoy!

tkdgirl: Your extra study shines through in your answers! Congratulations! You have won this weeks STAR PRIZE and because our sponsor liked your answers SO much they are giving you a choice of two.. you can choose a life of copious abundance with mansions in eight exotic countries staff to act on your every whim and caprice instant fame and adoration courtesy of four popular glossy magazines and automatic entrance into all the highest societies parties and venues.. you will never see money again.. you will never need it. Or... you can choose a simple life of self-sustenance in the clear and quiet of the mountains growing your own food making your own shelter and garments drinking mountain stream water and travelling by foot admiring the views and serenity of nature as you go.. you will never see money again.. you will never need it ....oooh which will it be? you have ten seconds.

Martial Tucker: well we are nothing if not accepting of "alternative" strategy for success.. in this place plagiarism is just one of those many strategies.. just ask Dan Brown one of our alumni.. though points deducted for not realising it was fnorfurfoots paper your eyes were wandering across. And so by by these two notions you have registered a positive match and are considered HIGHLY suitable for some probing for which some um... otherworldly brethren have specifically requested a cheating subject with a propensity towards minor carelessness.. You are scheduled for 3:30 on Saturday if that suits ok .. after which I believe they are off to assimilate the Borg or somesuch.. do not fear though as your memories of this event will be erased.. and even if they miss and erase some or all of your skill talent and modesty (as happens) .. well I believe that wonderful englishman Simon Cowell and his American Idol folk are looking for contestants..

evenflow1121: Uh-oh.. it seems the combination of your answers (coupled with your Huxley and Orwell reading habits) has been flagged up on the central database at Langley. In three minutes you will be surrounded.. Fortunately being AS FAST as a speeding bullet you have an option... the window.. but wait.. here take this BB gun as you are indeed correct and astute for realising pigeons ARE evil being sent exactly by certain agencies to sit on our window ledges and pass secrets to our unseen manipulative masters.. if you survive the fall your mission henceforth is to leap from rooftop to rooftop eliminating pigeons.. Destroy all pigeons.. say it to yourself.. say it!!

Hand Sword: You are too clever my friend and you have learned the secret of interpreting and qualifying the answers adn for that you get the bonus points.. and with these bonus points you can choose from the following...1). a FULL 3 day BB course (with secret techs) with Ashida Kim's personal tuition and attention.. 2). free unlimited entrance to the European butter mountain + 1 spoon.. 3). A once-in-a-lifetime chance at being the test pilot at Aerospatiale where they are currently testing their helicopter ejector seats..wow! 4). a lifetimes supply of Vivienne Westwood Boudoir mmmmm.. 5). someone elses boots in which you can walk a mile.. I need an answer now I am afraid...

Ha! stone dragone you da man!! :) Go to the top of the class.... and jump off .. ha! just jokin, ya scored top marks and well... what else.. pull back the tarpaulin girls and reveal the prize... yes it is an Aston Martin DB9.. top speed 170 over 6000 miles means you can be home for supper tomorrow!
Re #1: I am certain it tastes lovely when you catch it in your teeth!
Re #2: Be careful of readin books S_D they put all kinds of weird things in there! Actually I think I remember in Bruces first book which never made it to print (you had to be there) but I recall the art of "leaping without leaping" but not for me to say... but just look skywards for Danny Innosanto is all I will say ;)
Re #3: Ahh well see you missed a lot by ONLY reaching 14th degree cyan.. had you continued your study of ninjitsudokan you would have eventually reached MY particular level in which we have dispensed with the colour in the belts altogether... I am now a 15th deg NEUTRAL belt... and so as I leave you I beseech you.. BE NEUTRAL MY FRIEND ... :D

..this is an automatically generated response.. please do not reply directly as this outpost of kookiness is unmanned

Be good all my friends!
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Jenna said:
Martial Tucker: well we are nothing if not accepting of "alternative" strategy for success.. in this place plagiarism is just one of those many strategies.. just ask Dan Brown one of our alumni.. though points deducted for not realising it was fnorfurfoots paper your eyes were wandering across. And so by by these two notions you have registered a positive match and are considered HIGHLY suitable for some probing for which some um... otherworldly brethren have specifically requested a cheating subject with a propensity towards minor carelessness.. You are scheduled for 3:30 on Saturday if that suits ok .. after which I believe they are off to assimilate the Borg or somesuch.. do not fear though as your memories of this event will be erased.. and even if they miss and erase some or all of your skill talent and modesty (as happens) .. well I believe that wonderful englishman Simon Cowell and his American Idol folk are looking for contestants..
Teacher, I swear that the fact that my answers were the same as fnorfurfoot's answers was a total coiincidence! He was sitting too far away from me during the test to see his paper!

At least I admitted copying a couple of tkdgirls answers. As an aside,
I would love the choice you offered her:

"you can choose a life of copious abundance with mansions in eight exotic countries staff to act on your every whim and caprice instant fame and adoration courtesy of four popular glossy magazines and automatic entrance into all the highest societies parties and venues.. you will never see money again.. you will never need it. Or... you can choose a simple life of self-sustenance in the clear and quiet of the mountains growing your own food making your own shelter and garments drinking mountain stream water and travelling by foot admiring the views and serenity of nature as you go.. you will never see money again.. you will never need it ....oooh which will it be? you have ten seconds."

That decision would take me less than 1 second, then I would be off to start planting.....
Martial Tucker said:
At least I admitted copying a couple of tkdgirls answers. As an aside,
I would love the choice you offered her:
OK MT... well since you come sidling up to me as your assessor I give you another choice and will not take your zealousness for ingratitude.. Of course the self-sufficiency choice is for my friend tkdgirl and thus not yours to ask but you can have either:

one hundred wishes exactly with no expiry date and NO restrictions on what they are for except.... the things for which you wish expire within a year of your receiving them

or ....

one wish for one thing only which cannot be a material or tangible thing (you cannot wish for "happiness" because genies are not so very clever and do not understand concepts happiness/health etc. only specifics)

I do not seek or need to know your wishes I am only your assessor. Tell it to the genie when he gets here I believe he is languishing in a cave somewhere :)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Jenna said:
I do not seek or need to know your wishes I am only your assessor. Tell it to the genie when he gets here I believe he is languishing in a cave somewhere :)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,

Thank you, Oh most generous and understanding teacher. I am off to ponder, and perhaps shine my magic lamp, lest the genie get too cozy in the cave.
I'll use the bonus points for the time with Ashida Kim! I can't wait to empty my cup and have it filled with the real stuff....FINALLY!
Jenna said:
Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q1: Agility
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.

Well now I can't see my answers because of that particular instruction. Thanks a lot Jenna... sheesh!
Please circle one only on your screen.

MA-Caver said:
Well now I can't see my answers because of that particular instruction. Thanks a lot Jenna... sheesh!

What the heck's your problem, Caver? Makes total sense to me!!

I mean hell, it's not like you have to be an engineer to figure that....oh wait, maybe you do. :rofl:



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Hand Sword said:
Question 1 : Tried to find out, but the gun exploded in my face when I pulled the trigger!

Having had this happen to me, I know trying to out distance the bullet was the last thing on my mind. After counting Digits on my right hand I moved to the left and then the body. ;)

A serious condition, but through it and all is well. :D
Jenna said:

Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q1: Agility

Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.

A. Faster than a speeding bullet.
B. AS FAST AS a speeding bullet and believes perfection is achievable
C. NOT QUITE as fast as a speeding bullet but is persuaded that ALL bullets have merit.
D. Would you believe... a SLOW bullet .. but never gives up believing penguins can fly.
E. SHOT with your own bullet while attempting to test the idea.

It is not about Speed but about Timing. ;)

Jenna said:
Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q2: Mentality
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.

A. Leaps tall buildings with a single bound
B. Must make running start to leap tall buildings but sees the possibility to “free the mind”
C. Can leap over short buildings only but believes this is adequate for a RURAL existence
D. Has smashed a few upper-floor windows in even short buildings when attempting to leap them but is prepared to practise diligently
E. Takes the elevator from the lobby and can see no merit in leaping buildings
F. Is afraid of heights and believes pigeons are inherently evil

Sometimes I go through the walls. Sometimes I go around. Sometimes I go out into space and look form there and then come back in for a closer look. I have even been known to close my eyes to the building or even turn my back to the building and when you turn back around you are on the opposite side. ;)

** Even though Hieghts are EVIL :D **

Jenna said:
Psychometric evaluation prepared for MT Members by Jenna. Q3: Belief
Which most accurately describes you? Please circle one only on your screen.

A. Can walk on water
B. Can walk over short shallow stretches of water and is prepared to get wet
C. Runs well through puddles and believes in freeing the inner child and that Wellington boots CAN be cool
D. Believes the "Air" pouches in Nike Airs were not invented for nothing
E. Makes a better sailor

A. Having bare foot skied I think this counts.
B. Having the boot slow down and then you not point feet into the water but running on top of the water. *** Do not look the crash was not pretty ***
B. (* Part 2 *) Having a Jet Ski rock to the left on me while running across the water at about 50 knots and my elbow breaks the plane of the water. I took a long ride on my face with my feet in the air. Comments from those who saw it, were, "Dude that guy is assume." "Does he do this all the time?"
C. The inner child and running through Rain is great!
D. You should see the Patent for it. ;)
E. I like to sail :D

But I prefer the answer to be open minded and to allow others to have their point of views as well. :D

Jenna said:

I is just kiddin wid all ahy'all and well this is the clearly documented result of the overabundance of time ... and the underabundance of sleep! Ha! ah but humour me... I am harmless really... go on now... FREE your mind ;)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Rich Parsons said:
Having had this happen to me, I know trying to out distance the bullet was the last thing on my mind. After counting Digits on my right hand I moved to the left and then the body. ;)

A serious condition, but through it and all is well. :D

Yep! I remember a fireball fly up by face, and me and my friend, who was standing by me, rolling on the floor, with his eyebrows singed.

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