

Yellow Belt
May 20, 2006
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I was curious if anyone here uses No-Xplode in thier Muay Thai training. I have a very good friend who trains very heavily in BJJ and says he couldn't imagine training (or fighting) without it. I have recently started taking it before my workouts and have noticed a HUGE difference, in not only the intensity of my sets but also in duration. Also there is a big decrease in the time it takes between excersizes for me to be rested. I do quite a bit of cardio as well and it almost makes me want to go to far. Enough ranting, I really want to get the opinions of this board and it's members.

And I still haven't found an MT gym in KC. But I have started saving for a trip to SF for a week at the Fairtex gym (opinions or comments on that idea are very welcome)
Most studies I have read say that No is more placebo than "go".

• Arginine blood flow stimulators ("nitric-oxide" or "NO2" supplements) have been shown to increase vasodilation, but only in unfed people receiving enormous doses through an IV.

• Oral arginine supplementation doesn't affect blood flow.

• A dose as low as 10 grams has been associated with gastric upset when consumed orally. This dose has no significant effect on glycogen storage, even if it didn't cause diarrhea.

• Time release arginine is supposed to lead to a "perpetual pump" effect. New studies have shown this not to be the case.

• NO2 was shown to have no effect compared to a placebo on body composition or muscle strength.

• It's not possible for us to consume high enough levels of arginine to effectively increase nitric oxide levels.

• Copycat NO2 products are no better than the original supplement. In fact, those that contain glycocyamine should be avoided because of potential health concerns.

• If you think these products work for you, then you'd better look into the placebo effect.

• Arginine might temporarily elevate growth hormone levels, but only if you're able to take unrealistic doses. There's little evidence to support that this short term increase in GH would do anything for your physique anyway.

• In one study, arginine aspartate was shown to increase prolactin by an average of 75%. Prolactin is associated with decreased Testosterone levels.

• Five grams of arginine consumed during resistance exercise was shown to decrease normal exercise-induced GH output.

• The positive benefits of oral arginine supplementation can only be achieved through doses higher than the human body can handle. And most (but not all) of this effect is mediated by insulin. So if you want to have blood flow increases equivalent to a huge IV arginine infusion, just manipulate insulin through other means (which will be discussed in the next article.)
I checked out that website but I was looking for personal opinions, not those of a website that only has one sponsor (a company with products boasting the same rediculous claims). It seemed like that site was a big bash-fest for all products that company didn't make. If it is placebo effect I get from No-Xplode - It's the most amazing I've ever felt.
Creatine is the only "proven" supplement I trust. With the science to back it up.
Creatine is bad for you. Too tired to explain it, but do some research and you'll find out why its not as good as you think

Personally, just stick to protein shakes (Endurox, Accel, or Whey)
Okay maybe I got off on the wrong foot with my first 2 posts.

I work out 3 times a week (2 times during the week and 1 intense workout on the weekend)

I have taken No-Xplode 5 times, and comparing those 5 times to any previous workout ever, I see huge results. Whether these results are a placebo effect or the claims that are on the bottle, I don't know.

I personally plan on starting a protien supplement and a Glutamine supp as well. I read T-Nations opinion on Glutamine and I still want to make that decision for myself, as I am doing with NX. Too many people have recommended it for me to not give it a try.

I have a good friend that trains heavily and competes at the amateur level in Brazillian Jiu Jitsu. He has been taking No-Xplode since day 1 (about 1 year ago), and says it's amazing. He cycles the product according to the instructions (12 weeks on, 4 weeks off), but he doesn't take it every day, the bottle says to take it on off days, only on workout days. He has always worked out (freeweights, running) and says since he started his new training and No-Xplode the difference he sees is huge. He also eats better and probably has never worked out so hard in his life, but he claims it works. He has lost over 60 lbs in a year and is covered in lean muscle.

Is anyone here currently taking a product similar to No-Xplode, or has anyone tried it it the past? I'm guessing from the posts I have garnered thus far, a few people are strongly against the products - I would like to find those same people that have tried it.

Touch of Death - In response to your comment about running out, I honestly don't know the answer to that question. I have never taken any supps in the past and think I could go back to being that way if I had to or wanted to. I plan on cycleing the product and after I reach my desired fitness level would like to discontinue use and see if I can maintain.

I hope this post is a little better, sorry if I came off like a jerk earlier.