No mind state of mind


Purple Belt
Feb 15, 2002
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I was wondering if anyone out there is familiar with the concept of the reptilian brain and if anyone knows of any exercises that can improve this function. I know very little about it, but from what I've heard its like when you get into a car wreck and everything goes into slow motion. I'd like to know if there is any way of tapping into this at will. Any information at all on this would be great.
Is this similar to "mushin"(sp) which is the state of "No-Mind?"
It sounds like something I've heard of, but I don't remember anything really specific about it. I think that I saw that concept in an article on . For some reason I think the article was called Sudden Violence, but I could be wrong. You might need to look around the site to find the right article, but I think you will be able to find something there.
I don't know the full details but its kind of like going below your conscious mind, and being with out thought. Apparently, in a self defense situation, you just do what you need to do, without any conscious thought. So I would say it's very much like the "Mind, No Mind" state.
