need your help


Purple Belt
Oct 13, 2002
Reaction score
Does anyone know any good kempo schools in ct? my friend and I are thinking of changing schools. Thanks.Is villari any good?
Hey rachel,

I finally signed up here. I sent you a private message. Well talk to you later.

Jeffrey Kahn

Hillside Ave.
Greenwich, CT 06830

Phone Number-
203-834-9966 (fax)

Head Instructors-
Jeffrey Kahn- 4th Degree Black


[email protected]



Jeffrery Kahn

Antler Lane
Wilton, CT 06897

Phone Numbers-
203-834-9966 (fax)

Head Instructors-
Jeffrey Kahn- 4th Degree Black


[email protected]

Out of curiosity .. why are you thinking of changing? You seemed
to really enjoy it where you're at.
Hi Rachel,
I currently teach in Stafford Springs, Ct. and my instructor teaches in East Windsor. Please feel free to email me if either of these would be of interest to you. We are affiliated with the AKKI. Good luck with your search.
Baran's Kenpo Karate

Owner: Jim Baran

21 North Plains Industrial Rd.
Wallingford, CT 06492
United States

Phone Number:

Head Instructors:
Jim Baran

Organizations Affiliated:

Kenpo Style:

[email protected]


Gelinas Kajukido/Kung Fu Academy

Grandmaster Robert J. Gelinas

593 Plank Rd. East
Waterbury, CT 06705
United States

Phone Number:
203 759-0513

Head Instructors:
Grandmaster Robert J. Gelinas

Organizations Affiliated:
Gelinas Martial Arts Federation

Kenpo Style:


[email protected]

Someone has mentioned it early, there is a AKKI school in your area. The instructor's name is Mr. Kevin Harrington, he is the AKKI Regional Rep for that state too.

You can find his informaition on the AKKI website under the "links" page or the U.S. Reps page.

Good luck in your journey,
Bill Smith
Thank you all for your help. I'm staying put for now. My friend is looking to get out though. Remember. She's the one I had to push into it.But she's very good at it.
Ummmm.......uh........Is that good lookin' pic that you have as your aviator actually you?:eek:

Sorry to be a dork, but I have been drinking.:drinkbeer

Plus, please don't take this as a come-on.....I do have a girlfriend ya know! ;) :D
Originally posted by rachel
Thank you all for your help. I'm staying put for now. My friend is looking to get out though. Remember. She's the one I had to push into it.But she's very good at it.


Is she good, but does not have the time? Is it an issue with another student? Or with an Instructor? You need not answer, I just want you to think about this, for if something happened, then someone should no about it so it should not happen again.
If it is a boyfriend and girlfriend breaking up and not wanting to train together, but to continue to train, then that s ok.

Not trying to be nosey, yet trying to let you know it is ok to call Foul Play if need be. :asian:

Train Well and I hope your friend finds the right path. :) :asian:

PS: Paul you schmuck :shrug:
Paul, I wish it was me. I don't have a scanner and if I did I wouldn't know how to put my picture up. I'm notm that good with computers. It's Nora Jones. She's a great singer. She swept the grammys in every category she was nominated in. The picture was small enough so I made it my avatar. I'll enlist help from someone and post a pic of myself soon.: :)
Rich: Smuck....yup thats me!:eek:

Rachel: I thought that pick looked familiar! I was wondering if we had a famous singer on this board or not. I wasn't kidding about last night either.....I was drinking scotch and smoking a Cigar in my office, and I was working on some special projects. I was taking a break when I decided do get on MT and harass women. :D

LOL I'm obviously kidding (about the harrassing women part, not about the drinking in my office part). About the real Pic...there was a thread a while back where we all were posting pic's of ourselves. I think it's somewhere in the General Talk forum. Against all better judgement I posted one Sh**ty outdated one of myself.

More importantly, Rich posted one of himself........and Rich in one sexy beast! ;)
Originally posted by PAUL
Rich: Smuck....yup thats me!:eek:

Rachel: I thought that pick looked familiar! I was wondering if we had a famous singer on this board or not. I wasn't kidding about last night either.....I was drinking scotch and smoking a Cigar in my office, and I was working on some special projects. I was taking a break when I decided do get on MT and harass women. :D

LOL I'm obviously kidding (about the harrassing women part, not about the drinking in my office part). About the real Pic...there was a thread a while back where we all were posting pic's of ourselves. I think it's somewhere in the General Talk forum. Against all better judgement I posted one Sh**ty outdated one of myself.

More importantly, Rich posted one of himself........and Rich in one sexy beast! ;)


I do not care if you agree with me again or not, you still are a SCHMUCK :D ;)

As for being called Sexy by a guy, Feel kind of well uncomfortable. :) ;) , Yet if the women listen, then I guess it all worked out in the end. :D

Special Projects? Someday when they are declassified you will have to let us in on them. :eek: :rofl:
Originally posted by Rich Parsons

Special Projects? Someday when they are declassified you will have to let us in on them. :eek: :rofl:

Maybe someday....but in all seriousness I can't disclose til' 2004 w/o risking getting in trouble w/ my company.:D

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