My "New Gladiators" Personal Review



I know this has already been up here, but I wanted my name in lights, for a change! (it may be the only chance I get.........)

I just got my DVD today, very pleased with an honest to goodness review about the MA from yesteryear.

A few things:

Believe it, or not , this is only the second time I've ever hear SGM Parker speak, so for me, it's a rare treat to have this.

Shocked to see that "Benny The Jet" would actually lose!


A legend in the making, of a rare apperance, Dennis "Baby Faced "Conatser! :cool:

Too much Roy Kurban. Yes, I know, he'a Texan like me, but he's anti ITF, he's WTF. That's another story for later........Though, I wonder if he coulda handled, those Belgium fighters. My, but they do love to get it on!

My first view of a youthful Master Tom Kelly!

Too bad, Norris, Lewis weren't in it.:(

But, for what I paid, I give it a Thumbs Up!:asian:
Originally posted by RCastillo
My first view of a youthful Master Tom Kelly!

And boy was he brutal, huh? The man liked his sweeps!

Originally posted by RCastillo
Too bad, Norris, Lewis weren't in it.:(

Don't forget Wallace!
Originally posted by Kirk

And boy was he brutal, huh? The man liked his sweeps!

Don't forget Wallace!

Glad you mentioned Superfoot, I almost forgot about him. I have to ask, why were not Wallace, Norris, and Lewis in that trip to Europe?

I think Mr. Conatser can answer this one! We need his help on this!
We got dissed. Not only will the Goldendragon not answer, but he would not even return my call on AOL!:wah:
Originally posted by RCastillo

Believe it, or not , this is only the second time I've ever hear SGM Parker speak, so for me, it's a rare treat to have this.
First time for me! It was nice to see him on video, it's a shame that he wasn't it a bit more instead of....

Too much Roy Kurban.

Yes, it did seem to follow him around a bit too much! As I said, a bit more the the SGM would have been nice, or a bit more of....

Dennis "Baby Faced "Conatser! :cool:

Hehe, I spotted Mr. Conatser too! Although he says he's an 'Old Gladiator' now, hehe :)

All in all, I also give it a thumbs up, lots of cool action to be had. The actual rendering of the DVD isn't great, the sound wanted clearing up a bit more, but then again I doubt the originals were great if they'd been in a truck for 30 years!


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