First of all, I doubt there will ever be a concensus here. Many will feel it doesn't need change, and should't be changed, but others will feel it does. Among those who feel it does, they will never agree on WHAT to change.
I cannot comment with specifics due to the fact I am from a different lineage and am not intimately familiar with EPAK curriculum.
Given that, here are my general suggestions:
Examine the existing techniques with a very critical eye. Ask yourself if they are realistic and could be expected to work. Perhaps not in their entirety, or as "textbook perfect", but are the ideas contained in them really sound and realiable? If so, keep them. If not, see if you can figure out what changes they might need to make them sound. Maybe some techniques need to be combined into one, for them to make sense together. Look at techniques that might be redundant. Eliminate redundancy. If a redundant tech has a nugget of useful originality, see if you can keep that nugget. Perhaps it can be incorporated into a different tech that is being kept.
If some techs seem really unsound and unrealistic, ask yourself if there is a different reason to keep them. Do they develop other skills, such as posture, balance, speed, power, etc., that are useful skills? If so, maybe redesign the technique and recategorize it as a "skill building exercise", rather than a Self Defense Technique.
Ask yourself if anything is missing from the art. Grappling, weapons work, etc. Incorporate this in, if it interests you. This may be different from person to person. Maybe someone likes Chinese forms. The fluidity can be useful, and study of the forms can lead to another kind of understanding of movement and usefulness. For these people, study the Chinese arts and bring in what you find useful. Chi Sao from Wing Chun is a very useful drill. I have had some "Ah-Ha!" moments while doing Chi Sao, when a nugget of kenpo's usefulness suddenly became clear to me. Other people may not be interested in this, so it wouldn't be appropriate for them.
Ultimately, I think this will be an individual endeavor. What do YOU think needs changing? Do it. Work with others who are like-minded, the end result will probably be better than if you do it yourself.