muay thai fitness



now that Muay Thai is becoming a fitness craze, is it hurting the art?
I know when Tae Bo came out, all the 'traditionalist' came out the wall complaining 'its not real' and stuff like that. Do you see the same politics going on in Muay Thai? Just curiuos as I haven't heard any, but I am not in the mix of it like you all are.
One thing i hate is people often refer to Muay Thai as kickboxing. Then those aerobic classes start doing these knock off moves,like knees and elbows, and call it kickboxing. I am a Muay Thai fighter, I hate being refered to a Kickboxer. Its definately not the same. Muay Thai is Muay Thai, kickboxing is a descendant of karate, which has no clinch, kneees, or elbows. Another thing, I am not a martial artist. Muay Thai is a sport that is dereived from a Martial Art.
It is kinda frustrating, because so many people don't know what Muay Thai is, and when you are like "come join me for a Muay Thai class"...they associate thai and tae ( or however you spell it for Tae-bo) and think it's the same thing. Incredibly annoying really. It's almost to the point of everytime I say muay thai to someone that I don't train with, I qualify it with a boxing from Thailand immediately after. Of course none of this is as bad as my yoga teacher announcing this week.."he's so flexible because he does Tae Kwon Do and they stretch on these weird contraptions." Wait a minute..did she just accuse me of practicing TKD? ARRRG! :) Worst part is I was wearing a US Thai Boxing Association shirt at the time...
i didn't mean to offend you. I simple asked if there was an upshoot in enrollement, because most Muay Thai schools I have seen have fight training, and aerobic training. I was curious if everyone seen the same thing.

As to your post:

Its definately not the same. Muay Thai is Muay Thai, kickboxing is a descendant of karate, which has no clinch, kneees, or elbows. Another thing, I am not a martial artist. Muay Thai is a sport that is dereived from a Martial Art.

You say Kickboxing is a descendant of Karate so you are not a marital artist. Then you say Muay thai is a sport that is derived from a martial art. I fail to see a difference. I understand that maybe you don't practice the same rituals that most standard martial arts practice but as I understand it, the ceremony in Muay Thai is quite original, historical, and very important. Just because you don't have the same gi, forms and self defense actions, I think by physical, mental and psychological preparing, you sort of have to be a martial art, don't you? A martial art is simply another way of saying military art, or style of fighting.
I agree, Muay Thai is most definately a martial art, since the definition of martial art is basically a way to fight. As to the original question...I think we have more people "checking it out" than we used to. It seems alot of people go do the cardio-kickboxing and then come to us to get a taste of what the real thing is like. For that reason...I can't say cardio-kicking is all bad!
NO NO, no one is offending me. Im not even mad, i was getting stuff off my chest. I hate being called a martial artist. When people say Martial Art, they think a black belt and a white uniform and crap. As for the rituals, They are jsut part of the culture. as Muay Thai is.
Originally posted by Azagthoth
I agree, Muay Thai is most definately a martial art, since the definition of martial art is basically a way to fight. As to the original question...I think we have more people "checking it out" than we used to. It seems alot of people go do the cardio-kickboxing and then come to us to get a taste of what the real thing is like. For that reason...I can't say cardio-kicking is all bad!

Not true always. People goto cardio kickboxing to "loose wieght". Cardio kickboxing and Muay Thai are millions of miles apart. Muay Thai is very energy consuming and requires time,effort, and dedication. Honostly it does, when you start Muay Thai, unless your an athlete, you'll get tired real quick. People quit after a few days because they cant take it. Maybe thats why Muay Thai isnt that famous
well soccer....i can certainly appreicate your love for what you do, however;

Muay Thai is very energy consuming and requires time,effort, and dedication. Honostly it does, when you start Muay Thai, unless your an athlete, you'll get tired real quick. People quit after a few days because they cant take it.
I think this is true of most things, including cardio kickboxing. Although it's movements are designed with a different purpose, I believe to be good at it, and correctly work the body the way it is supposed to be, you need to devote time, energy and dedication. To be good at anything, you most likely need those.

You say you hate being called a martial artist, but you really are... Just not in the sense that MOST people recognize. It ain't all bad being a martial artist, don't get so upset over it.

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