muay thai and Wing chun


Orange Belt
Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
does anybody train in both? is it a good idea or are they too different that it wouldn't be a good idea to do both?

Well BS10927 its never a "BAD" to cross train in my opinion, regardless of what styles you do. There is something to be learned from all systems. In regards to Wing Chun and Muay Thai, I would say that the ability to train both the styles is entirely up to you. I train Muay Thai, and have also trained Jeet Kune Do. JKD borrows alot of the trapping techniques from Wing Chun. I have personally found that some techs can be effective within the Thai Clinch, but it really depends on your ability to flow from one technique to the next and your personal preference. My advice to you would be to train both and see how they work for you. :)
i agree, crosstraining is never bad in & of itself. however, if i were to divide my attention between two arts i think i would train one striking style & one grappling style. it will give you a broader range of techniques & you will be less likely to confuse the two.

I have known people who trained in Boxing and Wing Chun and Muay Thai and Wing Chun and they didn't have any problem adjusting between the two , they just changed gears .

But like Jarrod said I would rather just stick with one striking and do grappling . Its a bit like having two machine guns ,when maybe you would be better off with a machine gun and a shotgun .