Mod. Note--Reminder.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Terre Haute, IN
Please, don't use *sterisks, @t signs, dollar $ign$, etc., in an effort to avoid the profanity filters.

-MT Admin-
It defeats the purpose of the filters, and creates more work for the administrators as these variants are manually added to the filter.

-MT Admin-
if profanity is not allowed, and i dont think it has been since i registered, than it shouldnt be used. it shouldnt be masked in an attempt to throw your curse up there and not have it be censored either. doing this: *^%%##@% is one thing, but substituting one letter for a symbol just ends up reading differently.
but then again, i was censored for the very first time yesterday (pretty excited about that) so im not a seasoned potty-mouth like some of you:rolleyes:
Originally posted by theneuhauser
so im not a seasoned potty-mouth like some of you:rolleyes:

C'mon, say it. Biotch...say it...say it...SAY IT!:soapbox:
We try to filter out the 'big ones'. It comes down to the same reason we don't do 'hot chick' or 'hot dude' threads. The forum must be accessible to the general public. This isn't Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, but it isn't a Andrew 'DICE' Clay concert either.

The rule is 'no circumventing the filter'. Its been in place since September 2001. The 'No Profanity' rule has been in place since day 1. We have relaxed the definition of what is 'profanity' based on research and feedback from members.

If you feel the need to swear, go ahead. The filter will catch it and **** it out.

We use the filter because we have better things to do than go around and be 'language' police.

The funniest part of this is that the filter only nails about 2 or 3 words... and a couple dozen variants of those words.

(and no, to those who remember the previous thread on this, *** isn't one of those words)

So, speak your mind, and let the filter do its job.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
If you feel the need to swear, go ahead. The filter will catch it and **** it out.

Some of use our words very carefully and for purpose.
Originally posted by GouRonin

Some of use our words very carefully and for purpose.

I'm a big fan of George Carlin and believe there's a time and a place for every word. MartialTalk isn't the place for some of them. It's an appearance issue as much as anything else.

None of the mods. gets any pleasure from censoring or from monitoring the conversations of adults. But when you come to this board as a guest we'd like you to see professional, meaningful, mature, and friendly martial arts concersations. We also want it to be appropriate for members of varying ages.

The profanity filter is a cheap way to get at that without reading every post, which we cannot do. Like most cheap and simple solutions, it has some flaws. We don't want to keep you from expressing yourself--well, maybe you, but you know what I mean :D --but unfortunately between the software and the number of members this is the only obvious solution.

Debate on this matter is welcome. We have relaxed the filter based on members' comments in the past. However, it's unlikely that it'll go away.

My opinions.

-MT Admin-
Originally posted by arnisador
We don't want to keep you from expressing yourself--well, maybe you, but you know what I mean :D --but unfortunately between the software and the number of members this is the only obvious solution.

I knew you were out to get me. I'm going to have to pay the neighbour kid now to start my car every morning won't I?

You're a bad, bad, man...
Originally posted by GouRonin

I knew you were out to get me. I'm going to have to pay the neighbour kid now to start my car every morning won't I?

I'm going to hire one of those rent-a-ninjas I keep hearing about.
Better check the budget...I dont think we can afford to replace the uniform......
