mma for self defence

But they are Young & geting better.
Chance said he wants to train with us this summer
Bill Will no dout be looking for revenge.
Self-defence is too wide of a subject area, MMA covers some areas but not others.

Like if I can play guitar, and say the electric guitar is "good" or even "best" for music. Then get told to play Mozart... maybe not the best for that.

Self-defence is mostly non-physical, but ignoring that aspect, there are still many different situations:

weapons, MMA is not the best for this.

Someone is being a pain, physical control is needed, just to get that pain compliance but not neccessarily escalate to a fight, again, MMA is not the best for this.

Anything other then a one on one? Might work ok, but most never train it..

One on one fight? This is where MMA shines, but it is only one aspect of self-defence, and for most people not at the top of the list of likelyness to be needed.

MMA is best used for fun, fitness, sport, social activity, and just cause you love it. Self-defence aspects are side-effects, not goals.
I'd say that for a 1 on 1 fight, it would be good, as it covers punching, kicking, clinching, takedowns and grappling. Once mult. attackers and weapons are brought into the picture, I would think things would take a different turn.

Yes, it's great for a one-on-one weaponless effect, a duel. Which is what they train for!
arnisador said:
Yes, it's great for a one-on-one weaponless effect, a duel. Which is what they train for!

Weapons can be integrated quite nicely, The Dog Brothers being probably the most well known example of doing so. But most people don't do it
By MMA do you mean "what you see in a UFC match" then, well, that's a sport competition and it will or will not translate to a street fight based on a lot personal and individual things not really related to the sport

If by MMA you mean, "studying multiple arts for the sake of putting together a comprehensive and balanced approach to self-defense in all situations" then yeah, MMA is good for self-defense

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