Minimum space for dedicated practice area


As a bachelor, my dining room isn't really being used for a dining room (I have several other places I can eat). Sitting in my "dining room" is a weight set that I rarely use. I was thinking about getting rid of it and making use of it for at-home practice, but here's the issue: the space is 8'-by-8', with 3 sides walled and the fourth side open (not too far until you hit the furniture in the next room, though). I could practice my forms better than I can now, but it would still be cramped. It would give me room for spinning kicks, but I'd have no room to move (a simple step-behind side-kick takes up most of the distance unless I face a corner or the open space).

Is it worth it to get some mats and use this space for TKD practice? I'm also thinking about getting some folding tables/chairs for a board game/dinner table, but the nice thing is the two plans aren't mutually exclusive. However, if it's not worth it to use the space for practice, I may hold off and just get a nicer table, or may go straight for the table instead of getting the mats first.
8'x8' is enough for me to do some practice with a body opponent bag. It's getting tight, but for me, I just need enough room to practice a spinning hook kick, then I also do exercise-type of kicks like middle + high roundhouse, or roundhouse+side+hook kick (for balance and accuracy).
Yeah, I tested it out by marking 8'x8' somewhere else (it is way too cramped in my condo...if I win the lottery I'll have an awesome home practice area, but barring that I'm stuck with what I got). I can practice the kicks I need to work on, but I don't think it'll fill all of my needs (i.e. the ability to practice forms with the proper stance without special modification so I don't punch a hole in the wall). It'll probably be a month or so (or longer, depending on my luck) before I do this, but I think it'll be worth it.

Considering I'm planning on using the room for dual purpose, the worst that happens is I'm out the cost of the mats.
Yeah, I tested it out by marking 8'x8' somewhere else (it is way too cramped in my condo...if I win the lottery I'll have an awesome home practice area, but barring that I'm stuck with what I got). I can practice the kicks I need to work on, but I don't think it'll fill all of my needs (i.e. the ability to practice forms with the proper stance without special modification so I don't punch a hole in the wall). It'll probably be a month or so (or longer, depending on my luck) before I do this, but I think it'll be worth it.

Considering I'm planning on using the room for dual purpose, the worst that happens is I'm out the cost of the mats.

8x8? That's not a dinning room, that's a small breakfast nook. :boing1:

But I have practiced in some small places when I studied TKD. Sometimes I would have to take a half step back then a half step forward with the opposite foot instead of a whole step forward when I came to a wall. But it may be doable. It just seems like a very small space. Good luck in trying it.
i've not got a dining room of any description - i normally eat my dinner watching the telly and my bed is a 6ft x 3ft pipe cot cos there's no space for anything bigger ;)

my muay thai space isn't much bigger at 10ft x 8ft and i've made the door frame into the room a kick zone cos i picked up a load of kick pads really cheap and attached them to the door frame to stop me from kicking the door frame :) i also have a 4ft kick bag hanging off a wall with a 3ft bag next to that and a speedball next to that..........

in short my space is very cramped but it works in a funny sort of way :)

lack of space is just an excuse not to train !!!!!

Oftheherd, my dining room makes up ~7% of my condo. It's the right size for the condo, IMO.
my crash pad is 20ft x 20ft - that's it and everything is contained within that 400sqft area including my doggie :)

my house on the other hand is a palatial in comparison with a dedicated 400sqft gym and loads more training kit :) hate having to "live away" from my house but it really is necessary for the work that i do :(

Maybe ask yourself the question another way. What kind of practice can I do in a 8' x 8' area? Asking it this way changes your approach to find ways to work out versus finding a reason not to work out. I try to get in at least one practice per week at home in my basement. While I have more room than the one you mentioned, the ceiling is low. So, I just work on what I can and don't worry about the rest.

You mentioned mats. Is there a reason? Is the area carpeted, wood, tile? Another consideration is to get kicking shoes to practice in. If it will work, it's a lot cheaper than mats, especially if it's a temporary situation.
If I just left a carpeted open space, it would fill up with boxes and I'd never practice :P
Oftheherd, my dining room makes up ~7% of my condo. It's the right size for the condo, IMO.

It was an apparently not good way to make what I intended as a lighted joke. I have had such places myself BTW. But if it was taken as an insult, my apologies.

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