Martin Bashir admits he lied in Michael Jackson documentary, says he did "nothing criminal

Andy Moynihan

Senior Master
MT Mentor
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
People's Banana Republic of Massachusettstan, Disu
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Media sensationalist **** head. You just never know what is real. That kid admitted, as did his parents, that he trumped up allegations against Jackson but were going to pursue the legal action regardless.

All will be revealed when our lives here end.
He did what it took to get him a sensational documentary. What a scumbag.


This was supposed to be the documentary that put to rest all the allegations and restored his honor, on the strength that this....this....journalist....was the guy who turned Diana's public perception around.

Instead he turned around and did this, for his own gain, which in turn began the final downward spiral.

Nice job, ****bite. you killed him.
You can fool some people all the time you can fool all the people some of the time but you can't fool all the people all the time.

The truth will come out eventually and here it is at last.