Married six years and lovin it...


Blue Belt
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
Casa Grande, AZ
Today is my six year wedding anniversary and I am still very happy. Just thought I would share with some and see if anyone out there is still having as good a time as I am. Any good Ideas out there for anniversary activities to do - outside thank you...

Good day all!

Farang - Larry
AAWWWWW! that is so sweet and so nice to hear Larry! :)

19 years for me, Larry. I still love him very much. Great husband, great Dad to our girls.

A picnic might be a nice idea, weather permitting :)

Congratulations, Larry! I'm still having a good time at a little over seven years now.

Kim and I used to picnic at my lunchtime during the week when we worked different shifts, so we like to go on dates where we revive that, so I think that's a sweet way.

You don't have waterfront to walk along, so ... are there any gardens there? We have a Chinese Gardens which are nice to walk around, contemplate, relax, drink tea ... great dusk-time activity. Know a good spot to watch the sunset? Like wine? Cheese?
Thanks for the congrats. any ideas that can include a couple of daughters (5 and 3 yr olds)?
got her some flowers and a balloon, a card, vanilla latte and a blueberry pastry, so the morning went well, ideas for lunch? wanna have a full day, not just cleaning the house which is what is happening now.
lulflo said:
Thanks for the congrats. any ideas that can include a couple of daughters (5 and 3 yr olds)?
got her some flowers and a balloon, a card, vanilla latte and a blueberry pastry, so the morning went well, ideas for lunch? wanna have a full day, not just cleaning the house which is what is happening now.

Hmmm.. day at the zoo? Entertains the kids, get to spend time as a family. Pack a picnic lunch and have it together, our zoo here is located adjacent to one of our biggest parks. Kids never get sick of the zoo. :)

And, Lulflo, I hope she is putting as much effort into this day as you seem to be. She is a very lucky woman. :)
We go to the zoo quite often, we have a membership and it is free!! It's about an hour away though and I live in AZ so that is hot hot HOT. But a great idea Nalia. I will still run it by her. And yes, I am just as lucky a guy, she has made me feel like number one ever since the day I said I do. Will check back in soon. Gonna get us some lunch and the girls out of the bath.

Thanks again all
Thanks again to all, maybe I should ask some of you what the secret is to your success? 16, 7, and a whopping 19 years, anything that you folks do to ensure your success? My wife and I switch off weekends each month. Leave one day and stay the night out and come back the next day, no kids, no worries, obviously we don't go party or anything, just hang out with our friends, but it is nice not to have to call home for the evening - unless we want to...

I'm pretty sure everyone splits the duties around the house and with the kids, but is there anything special you do that really makes the both of you happy?
Thanks for posting.

lulflo said:
I'm pretty sure everyone splits the duties around the house and with the kids, but is there anything special you do that really makes the both of you happy?
Thanks for posting.


We both have our own interests and pursue them with each other's blessing. I have Martial Arts and he shoots in a variety of rifle competitions. Our girls also share their parents passions, both of them actually. We try to support each other in our extracirricular activities. With our children doing both activities it also enables us to spend time and bond with both of them on a one on one basis.

It all seems to be working :)
lulflo said:
Today is my six year wedding anniversary and I am still very happy.


lulflo said:
Just thought I would share with some and see if anyone out there is still having as good a time as I am.

Seeing as how it's been about six years since I had a girlfriend, umm, no, not really.
We know that with the kids it can be stressful. We keep that in mind, and when necessary, take a deep breath and refocus. We are in it together, against the common enemy--the kids! :D
Count your blessings Dronak, that just means you have successfully avoided the wrong choices

Arnisador: Don't you know it!
arnisador said:
We know that with the kids it can be stressful. We keep that in mind, and when necessary, take a deep breath and refocus. We are in it together, against the common enemy--the kids! :D


Isn't it the truth! :D
arnisador said:
We know that with the kids it can be stressful. We keep that in mind, and when necessary, take a deep breath and refocus. We are in it together, against the common enemy--the kids! :D

FOR GONDOR!!!! :knight:
Congrats!!! 9/5 was our seventh and still happy, well I am anyway. I’m with ya’ll when it comes to kids and stress I have two daughters 12 and 5. If they are awake they are fighting. As for staying power in the marriage I don’t know of any one thing that makes it work other than being flexible and willing to accept change. Oh and a big one Never, Never, Never, answer the question “Does this make me look fat” LOL
2004hemi said:
Oh and a big one Never, Never, Never, answer the question “Does this make me look fat” LOL
The answer to that question is ALWAYS "no."

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