"Loyalty to the State"



So I'm driving home from the College of the Burnin' Desert, flipping through the AM stations, and I get Michael Savage...

He's ranting about yesterday's court decision in which, he says, three irresponsible judges decided that some of, "those bums," locked up and held without bail, counsel or visits by our government are entitled to counsel, etc.

According to him, this was of course an example of Liberal Judges Who Are Destroying America--turns out two were Bush appointees, one Clinton, the decision was 2-1, and the only reason the other Bush appointee didn't sign on was that he didn't like the way the descision was written--but he agreed that the Feds had no right to seize American citizens, on American soil, aand hold them without charges, counsel, bail or anything else.

Clearly, Savage is a dumbass. But is he something worse? In the course of his rant, he started yelling--and I mean yelling--that from now on, all his listeners and all REAL Americans should evaluate every single thing they heard anybody say in relation to the following issue:


Now I don't normally throw the "N," word around or at conservatives--I think it's silly when lefties do that, usually--but damn. I immediately recalled charming little mottos such as, "LOYALTY IS MY HONOR," from the good ol' SS.

Personally, I think that all such statements should be immediately translated into German and screamed in a high, cracking voice by someone in a Nazi uniform (where's Arte Johnson when we need him? or those Gestapo guys from, "Hogan's Heroes?"), just so we all know what we're dealing with.

Loyalty to the State. Eeew, gross.

Just thought I'd get this off my chest--and to be sure, start some howlin'.
I can't even listen to Savage anymore. If he weren't so absolutly ridiculous I would think he should be banned from talk radio. CNBC dicontinued his TV segment because he told a gay man that he hoped he got AIDS and died. Don't think because Bush appointed those judges that Michael will back down. His little trick is to continualy suggest that Bush is a liberal in conservatives clothing. Of course he is the only show on in the middle of the night when I'm grinding pieces for gold plated fire places. Its either him or Art Bell or whomever entertains the tinfoil heads out there. I sometimes have to choose the lesser of two evils.
Yeah, good point.

And as I was typing--'cause this really did bother me a bit--suddenly, magically, I realized:

"XM. Satellite radio."
You guys are treading on some serious conspiracy theory. ;)
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Yeah, good point.

And as I was typing--'cause this really did bother me a bit--suddenly, magically, I realized:

"XM. Satellite radio."

xmradio.com or Satelite Radio. It is a good thing. I can listen to the same radio channel all over the palce and not have to switch or deal with lots of comercials.

And the biggest advantage, no talk show hosts ranting ;)
What conspiracy? Savage is an honest, open moron. And did I mention fascist?
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
What conspiracy? Savage is an honest, open moron. And did I mention fascist?

You've said it yourself, some conspiracies are not secret. How is Savages radio show kept on the air? Who supports it?
Advertisers, they're called. You know--the people who own the companies that pay for commercials....uh....why exactly is this is some way a surprise?
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Advertisers, they're called. You know--the people who own the companies that pay for commercials....uh....why exactly is this is some way a surprise?

You can't be telling me that you can't see the rise of a facist state in these times!!!!

Collusion of business and government.
Appointed leaders.
Destruction of civil liberties.
Institutionalized oppression.
Prisons for the "enemy"

Need I say more? This is a democracy. A facist need to convince people that facism is okay. What better way then advertising...
Uh...this crap has been going on since the founding of the country. As for its amounting to fascism...no. We're quite capable of coming up with this madness withing a democratic and capitalist framework, though I must admit it IS nice to have some Other, some opposite of what we think we are, to blame everything on.

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