Living Yang Taijiquan teachers - Who do you want to train with

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Who are the living Yang Taijiquan teachers out there that you would like to train with, and if you like...why

I shall start, and I may be the only post since there seem to be so few Taiji people on MT these days and since Yang is a subset of that there are fewer Yang stylist on MT these days as well

1st: My Yang Shifu - Why, that is obvious he is highly skilled, well trained and in a lineage I like
2nd: Tung Kai Ying - Why, same lineage as my sifu, a couple removed, but in the family of that lineage and also highly skilled
3rd: Vincent Chu - Lineage from Yang Shouzhong , via his father Gin Soon Chu, and Vincent is supposed to be very skilled

There is a 4th guy in Beijing that intrigues me but I cannot remember his name at the moment and I am not exactly sure I would go to Beijing just to train with him, but if I was there and came across his class and was allowed to join in, I would
Coach Christopher Pei of the US Wushu Academy. I had the pleasure of working with him when he came to Nottingham between 2000 - 2012. Why - because he trained with Yang Zhen Ji, Fu Zhong Wen and Yang Zhen Duo. + He's a really nice guy.

Very best wishes

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