Lee's Wing Chun


Green Belt
I realize that Bruce Lee didn't learn the entire wc system and that the style he taught to his students (Jun Fan/ JKD), contained only a portion of Yip Man's wc system.

My question is what %age of Yip Man's system was contained in Lee's personal style?

I've also heard and read that he had learned sil lum tao. I've read that he also had the knack of picking up thing from things rather quickly just by watching his older kung fu brothers.
Lee learned chum kil but was not taught the theory behind the movements

When Lee returned to Asia to visit his fathers grave, he had a falling out with Yip Man as he wanted to pay him to learn Bil Jee.

Personally i think it says a lot that he took a small part of wing chun and turned into an exceptional fighting system
hi guys,
another question, did bruce Lee ever learned from William Cheung. I just saw on his website site today that he made several claim that Bruce Lee was his student. He was on the news. Personally I don't like that guy for some reason.
hi guys,
another question, did bruce Lee ever learned from William Cheung. I just saw on his website site today that he made several claim that Bruce Lee was his student. He was on the news. Personally I don't like that guy for some reason.

Can of worms! Can of worms! LOL.

The general rule of thumb is to take anything William Cheung says with a handful of salt.
hi guys,
another question, did bruce Lee ever learned from William Cheung. I just saw on his website site today that he made several claim that Bruce Lee was his student. He was on the news. Personally I don't like that guy for some reason.

What I heard was that Chueng kinda-sorta taught Lee. What I heard was shortly after Lee started, Yip Man became ill, and Chueng became head-guy. Yip Man didn't get better until after Lee left. So, Chueng can kinda claim to be Lee's instructor, if the story is true.
Cheung was Bruce Lee's Sihing, which might explain why Bruce Lee didn't rate wing chun very highly!!!!

Cheung claims credit for introducing Lee to Yip Man's school and helping him train

Looking at most of cheung's current students, I think the story is dubious or Cheung has grosssly exaggerated how much involvement he had with Lee's training...
I could be wrong but the understanding I had was that Wong Shueng Lueng was Bruce's teacher through the majority of his time there. Sifu Wong passed on much of his fighting theory to Bruce. Peace to all and a very Merry Christmas!!!

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