Kuntao and Silat Seminar in Munster, Indiana this March 28-29


White Belt
Aug 15, 2008
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(Apologies in advance if this isn't the right section - figured this forum would be most interested in this.)

Kuntao and Silat Seminar, Munster, Indiana this March 28-29

Guru Sam Clark of Maempo Chicago and Guru 'Mas' Judt from Studio Garuda will be teaching a two-day intensive Kuntao & Silat seminar March 28 & 29 in Munster Indiana.

Much like our picnic last summer, we'll be going deep into one subject - and
teaching it from our individual perspectives, then bring those perspectives together into one very useful toolkit.

Our subject will be 'Fighting Footwork in a Bladed Environment' - included will be skills from Studio Garuda (KunTao Silat) and Maempo Chicago (Harimau, Cimande, Pangian Lankha Empat, Capoeria).

The class will not be a 'bombard you with a mess of stuff' event, but rather a highly organized snapshot of these highly effective training methods that can immediately add some useful exotic skills to your training.

Please sign up in advance, as space is limited. Hotel information will be
supplied to all out-of-towners who sign up.

The event will be held at:
Modern Day Martial Arts Academy
9462 Calumet Ave
Munster Indiana

(Just across the border from Chicago)
For location, times and fees, please go to www.studiogaruda.com and click on the link for seminars.

Guru Sam Clark is well known in the SEAsian martial arts community in Chicago, teaching a highly practical interpretation of the exotic West Javanese styles. He was raised in the hard streets of Chicago and has fought in the sand pits of Burma.

Guru Mas Judt is the senior student of Sigung Steve Gartin in American KunTao Silat and represents KunTao Silat DeThouars in Chicago. He holds certification in several additional methods, most notably Chan Chiao (Combat Shuai Chiao). Guru Judt has been featured in Inside Kung Fu Magazine and is well known both as a combatives instructor and as a former San Da/Chan Chiao fighter, coach and international referee.

This will be a fun, engaging, ego-free event for folks who like their martial arts cooked up spicy and practical.

I'm one of Joe's students and have trained extensively with Guru Sam and trust me, this event is not to be missed if you want some exposure to some hardnosed, Chicago-style Kuntao and Harimau/Cimande. If you are anywhere near this and are into Silat, you really should check this seminar out.

Looking forward to seeing some martialtalkers on the mat this March!

PM me if you have any questions at all.
