Kindle Anyone?

Jade Tigress

Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Mar 11, 2004
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Anyone have one of these? I'm an avid reader, I go through 2-3 novels a week. The Kindle looks great, but I wonder about additional costs of purchasing books (I go to the library) and I wonder about lighting issues.

They say sunlight doesn't matter, but what about lack of sufficient light? It's not backlit so I'm thinking it's just like a regular book as far as that goes. ??

The thing I like is having so many titles at hand, and the size of it. It's a pain lugging a book around at times. I could throw this thing in my purse and always be able to read when I have a few minutes. I can't tell you how many times I've been somewhere and thought, "damn, I wish I had my book with me".

Overall I want to make sure the price of purchasing it will be worth it.

Any input would be appreciated.
Eh... I'm a fan of processed trees. If there's a tech spec or manual I have to read for work, unless it's a 2 second look thru, I burn trees for it. That goes double for something recreational or I might enjoy.
My wife bought one. Our kid took possession of it so my wife bought another. They both like them a lot and use them regularly but I saw that the kid recently ordered some paper books. When I asked why, he said he still prefers the feel of a book.

We read a lot in our family and we don't have enough space to store all of the books we have. The Kindle eliminates this issue. It also makes a lot of sense if you want to take books with you when you travel. The fact that you can get new books really quickly counts as another advantage.

Personally, I'm waiting to see what develops with competition.
I read a lot of books on my PDA but glare can be a real problem. I may try one...but I don't want to have to carry a cell phone, a PDA, and a Kindle.
Thanks for the input so far guys. :)
I found I can read pages much better than text on a screen - the eye strain does stuff to me and the glare, as Arni mentioned, sux. I've only tried the Kindle, I don't own one, btw.

Must be a personal preference as I know others who don't experience eye strain.

Xue - LMAO!!
I don't know guys, I LOVE books, but the convenience of having *books* with me all the time is tempting. I watched the demo on Amazon and it looks pretty cool and easy on the eyes. I suppose if I was an at home only reader it wouldn't make sense. But since I read all the time wherever I am, this is a quite tempting gadget, and I'm not typically a *gadget* person.
I vowed never to lift an electronic reader. To me there is something almost sacred about the paper hardcopy and but I was given a chance to play with a Sony (I believe it was PRS something) and was an almost instant convert. I have not seen the Kindle unfortunately and but I imagine the mechanics and operation are similar? I was concerned about the lack of any intuitive controls and but it is a two-second learn. Not exactly clickwheel intuitive but in my opinion the e-readers are a wonderfully liberating piece of equipment. I sold four hundred CDs when I got my ipod. This is the book lovers' equivalent - free up all that space in the house, make some money selling your old novels or do a good turn donation for your local charity. Glare was never an issue in the short time I had it (was just borrowed over a weekend). Yes, the one I tried had no backlight - perhaps supposedly representational of a paper page?? There was absolutely no flicker though like the equivalent TFT laptop or PC screen - it was a completely stable image and for me, easy on the focus; even staring for hours :) Goodness, a great investment and a cool gadget too :) Now all I gotta do is save for it :) Good luck with your choice JT. Do let us know how you get on :)
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
The idea of the kindle I like, I just hope they come out with the color one soon. It'll never replace paper though, my copy of Atlas Shrugged never leaves my backpack.
Large-screen Kindle DX arrives this summer, $489

Amazon today formally announced that it would be launching a large-screen Kindle this summer to further enhance its position in the surprisingly popular ebook reader market.

The new Kindle, called the Kindle DX, looks a lot like the smaller Kindle 2 which was released earlier this year, but it features a larger screen, measuring 9.7 inches diagonally, and a larger price

I'm a bit of a technophobe but I've already put a Kindle on my must-have list. The convenience seems like a no-brainer as much as I'm on the road.

Anyone have one of these? I'm an avid reader, I go through 2-3 novels a week. The Kindle looks great, but I wonder about additional costs of purchasing books (I go to the library) and I wonder about lighting issues.

They say sunlight doesn't matter, but what about lack of sufficient light? It's not backlit so I'm thinking it's just like a regular book as far as that goes. ??

The thing I like is having so many titles at hand, and the size of it. It's a pain lugging a book around at times. I could throw this thing in my purse and always be able to read when I have a few minutes. I can't tell you how many times I've been somewhere and thought, "damn, I wish I had my book with me".

Overall I want to make sure the price of purchasing it will be worth it.

Any input would be appreciated.

A friend of mine picked up the Kindle Two. He likes it.

As to the comment of additional cost, he limited himself to only a couple of purchases a month (* of course after he bought a few just to have something *), but he found that many of the free "books" were formatted and had a professional feel to them then some not all of the ones he paid for.

I saw him recently and he was still excited about it a couple of months later.

I like to hold the book and turn the page.

I have electronic books on my PC and the hard copy as well.

I like to read the hard copy in bed or on the couch. This though would allow for that.

Not much info but what I did have.

Good Luck
It's going to make it book burnings a lot less fun. Fanatics, Fundies and Revolutionary Guards everywhere will be disappointed.
It's going to make it book burnings a lot less fun. Fanatics, Fundies and Revolutionary Guards everywhere will be disappointed.
Way to interject your beliefs into something completely unrelated.
Part of me wants one for the cool factor, but, I think I'd want to test drive a couple of books through one before I shelled out any cash. I've read a few books online and for some reason the glare from the monitor gives me a headache that other websites don't
This has been great for me with my PDA. A 20-minute wait at the dentist's? I'm set.

That's the appeal for me, to have reading material at the ready.

A friend of mine picked up the Kindle Two. He likes it.

Yeah, I was meaning Kindle 2 but typed Kindle generically.

Way to interject your beliefs into something completely unrelated.

It was a joke Don. ;)

Part of me wants one for the cool factor, but, I think I'd want to test drive a couple of books through one before I shelled out any cash. I've read a few books online and for some reason the glare from the monitor gives me a headache that other websites don't

Good idea about a "test drive", don't know how I'd do that though. I don't know anyone who has one.

As far as glare, it's supposed to read like an actual book page, with no glare even in sunlight.

Weighing the pros and cons, the pros are outweighing the cons for me. If no one has done it yet, take a look at the demo on the page I linked.

Thanks for all the input, keep 'em coming if there's more to add. In the meantime, I think I'm gonna put an order in sometime today. :)