Jujitsu/Judo Gis for Warmer Weather?

K Williams

Blue Belt
Mar 11, 2002
Reaction score
What recommendations do you all have for strong, warm-weather jujitsu gis. Thanks.
But seriously, maybe a heavyweight karate gi would be more appropriate, because most judogi's are going to be pretty heavy...
:D OK, I'll rephrase the question. What are some good "middleweight" (around 20oz. fabric) jujitsu gis? :asian:
You can get a Howard Standard Single Kimono, which is 15oz for $50-80 dollars. Depends on the color. I have a Pro Force from Asian World that has lasted me about 10 years. Also have couple of Gameness and Krugans. If Howard's would make a black gi I would get one.
Kempojujutsu said:
You can get a Howard Standard Single Kimono, which is 15oz for $50-80 dollars. Depends on the color. I have a Pro Force from Asian World that has lasted me about 10 years. Also have couple of Gameness and Krugans. If Howard's would make a black gi I would get one.

Atama makes a "summer weave" that is very lightweight and breathable. My instructor uses it for training in Utah during the summer. they are super light feeling, but still strong. If you purchase another gi, I'd try this one.
Hahahaha. We just melt. It's great. I asked for a nice like, short sleeved skirted gi, but couldn't find one.

It's wonderful. When I take my gi off in the summer after class is over, it weighs like, 40 pounds. But I feel so comparitively cool afterwards for those few minutes before I pass out from heat stroke.


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