joslins tornament



to all the grapplers that are competing in this tournament i wish you guys break a leg and have fun and try not to get into troble
Tonight My Friend Jdenz broke his
Leg in Wrestling Practise.

It was a harsh feeling seeing My Friend
On The Floor in Pain

Even Worse when he went to the hospital
By Ambulince.

I Wish him a fast recovery.
He is A Warrior.

If I Win Again This Year.
I dedicate it To My Friend Jdenz.

I hope he can make it to the show
I know how bad he wanted to compete
I think he had a great chance at winning.

:waah: Get Well Quick Brother.
I AM not out yet a little pain can't keep a grappler down lol.. Ohhh I want to have to working legs.
I will see how it is tomorrow. I'll try and tape it see how things look. There really isn't to much chance of breaking it anymore If I just play gi and get a sweep who know what can happen.
WEll I was back rolling around a little bit with the big brace on I think I can roll a little until I take they take the screw out and I am back on the shelf.