Jin Shin Jyuyitsu & Healing Arts


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
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May 27, 2004
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I wonder if anyone here has heard of a very old Japanese healing art called Jin Shin Jyuyitsu? Mary Burmeister wrote some books on it years ago which are now out of print - I have the first three.

Anyone working with it? Do you find it helpful?
shesulsa said:
I wonder if anyone here has heard of a very old Japanese healing art called Jin Shin Jyuyitsu? Mary Burmeister wrote some books on it years ago which are now out of print - I have the first three.

Anyone working with it? Do you find it helpful?

I know what Jin Shin Juytsu is... but I have never practiced any of it... The philosophy and idea behind it is very cool tho. Can you share any additional information about its practice?
I use very little of it - it reminds me of reiki in a way - holding certain parts of your body together to balance energies.

I'll share with you a little trick I love and really works for me (and my kids, too).

When you go to bed, "jumper-cable" your left pinky with your right hand - don't squeeze it or rub it or anything, just jumper-cable it - until you feel the energy pulsations in both hands synchronize, hold for a count of eleven. Go on to the ring finger and continue in this pattern through the thumb of the left hand - when that one is done, jumper-cable the right pinky with the left hand in the same fashion and repeat. This will totally relax you for sleep

In the morning and whenever you need to energize, perform the same exercise only start with the thumb on the left hand and work toward the pinky.

If you're interested in trying this, please feel free to and let me know how you feel, if it works for you.

got a couple more that are awesome.
Yeah, cool...

This sounds a lot like an breathing exercise Sensei Ed Martin of the Bujinkan starts all his mornings with, and has us do whenever he comes out to do a seminar... only he does it same hand/finger combinations... I am going to try it your way...

Isn't a lot of Jin Shin Juytsu light touch and tracing meridians on the body to stimulate energy flow?
It is light touch (hence the jumper-cable reference), and some does follow meridians, but it just reminds me so much more of reiki, really, with hands-on and not pressure points, either nor any symbols - the literal translation of it is "help myself as it is" or "know myself as I am"...at least that's what Mary Burmeister says.

I'm leaving for the weekend, so I'll have to post more on Jin shin when I return Sunday evening - have more info for you then.

ring finger = despair, greiving
middle finger - anger

feel either one, hold those fingers for a while and see what happens.

Until Sunday....Hwarang!
Wow I think I have heard of this! I occasionaly go to an Alternative therapies show in a town near me! I am very interested in this kind of thing. I have had many types of therapy such as reflexology, Shiatsu, Indian Head Massage, Acupressure, Acupuncture and Reiki. I would love to learn more about this .
In many systems of Chinese Martial Arts practiioners would learn to heal as well as be able to cause considerable harm.
Could you post the title, and possibly the ISBN numbers for the books? I'd like to see if I can find em at a 2nd had bookstore or something.
Here's a question...

Whats a reasonable price to pay someone who practices somthing like Reiki for "services"?
Techno, Jin shin is an art that one mostly performs on oneself, rather than seeing a practitioner for "services."
Moose, it appears that the author started her own publishing company called J.S.J. Distributors, 2919 North 67th Place, Scottsdale Arizona in the early 80s. I believe that's "Jin Shin Jyutsu." There is no ISBN that I can find...I'm sure she created the company solely for the purpose of getting the information out there - she had to go into hiding for a while, apparently, right around the time these came out (not sure why).

But they're called :

"Introducing Jin Shin Jyutsu Is. (Know Myself It Is - Mankind's Safety Energy Locks and Keys)" Book I,

"Introducing Jin Shin Jyutsu Is. (continued) (Know Myself It Is - Mankind's Safety Energy Locks and Keys) Book II,


Jin Shin Jyutsu Is. (Know Myself It Is, continued - Fun with Fingers and Toes) Book III.

Author is Mary Burmeister and this was taught to her by Master Jiro Murai.

It is an artless art designed mostly for energy balancing and she focuses on saying it relieves tension. I'm sure anything that balances energy does more than that....in face, this does balance energy by passive means - you could watch television and do this.

I'm going to see if I can get them back into print.
Technopunk said:
Whats a reasonable price to pay someone who practices somthing like Reiki for "services"?
I'm sorry, Techno, I haven't had my coffee yet today! You asked about Reiki...most people who practice true Reiki will not charge you - it is a gift that must be given to a practitioner through an attunement so that they can pass it on to others. Usually a massage therapist will learn Reiki and use it without your knowing. We go into hospitals and show our certificate and use it on the dying and anyone for whom it seems to "call."

If you know someone who practices, ask them if they can give to you and if they would charge. Personally, I never do.
shesulsa said:
Moose, it appears that the author started her own publishing company called J.S.J. Distributors, 2919 North 67th Place, Scottsdale Arizona in the early 80s. I believe that's "Jin Shin Jyutsu." There is no ISBN that I can find...I'm sure she created the company solely for the purpose of getting the information out there - she had to go into hiding for a while, apparently, right around the time these came out (not sure why).

But they're called :

"Introducing Jin Shin Jyutsu Is. (Know Myself It Is - Mankind's Safety Energy Locks and Keys)" Book I,

"Introducing Jin Shin Jyutsu Is. (continued) (Know Myself It Is - Mankind's Safety Energy Locks and Keys) Book II,


Jin Shin Jyutsu Is. (Know Myself It Is, continued - Fun with Fingers and Toes) Book III.

Author is Mary Burmeister and this was taught to her by Master Jiro Murai.

I'm going to see if I can get them back into print.

Thanks! time to go bug the book dealer!! :boing2:
So are you going to share more techniques with us???

Somthing to de-stress?
Thinking Jin Shin Jyuyitsu works is like thinking you can do a Ki blast.
Tony said:
In many systems of Chinese Martial Arts practiioners would learn to heal as well as be able to cause considerable harm.
Seems fitting, doesn't it? Break it, fix it, hope you don't need to fix it again!
Technopunk said:
So are you going to share more techniques with us???
Somthing to de-stress?
Sure, it's really simple - You have jumper cables, right?

start with your left hand and hold your left middle finger with the right thumb on the back of the hand and the fingers underneath (palm down) use meditative breathing (even count inhale and exhale...i.e. if you slowly inhale for a count of four, slowly exhale at approx. same rate for a count of four) for 11 breaths (inhale and exhale = one breath).

fold the hands and breath 10 more breaths

hold the same finger with the right hand, but invert the right hand such that the thumb is on the palm side of the finger and your right fingers are on the back side of your hand, underneath (palm up). Repeat the breathing pattern indicated above

Repeat this on the Right side middle finger.

This is finger position #1 and is sometimes the very first thing taught.

Now, one item of theory behind Jin Shin: You have a central column of light that connects your life force to the earth core below you and to the heavens above you. energy moves back and forth along this central column and keeping it clear is important.

Energy flows down the front of the right arm and up the back of the right arm,

up the front of the left arm and down the back of the left arm

down the front of the right leg, up the back of right leg,

up front of left leg, down back of left leg.

She uses a star diagram to illustrate this, but I imagine an infinity might be more accurate? easier to envision, anyway without seeing the diagram I'm looking at here.

So, Techno...the above pose can be done reclining or seated - just try not to cross your legs or ankles or limbs in any way - this weakens the body and blocks energy flow.

This is the number one tension reliever...any other requests? I'll look through for more commonly useful applications.

Sorry for the syntax problems tonight, everyone - pretty tired over here.
Techno, you can do the same with the index finger as well. Try it, won't you, and let me know how you feel in a few days?
Yeah, uh... Im a bit confused by the hand placement... But I will try it...

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