Japanese Jiu Jitsu vs BJJ?

depends on how far you´re prepared to go. I have been in that situation before where i grabbed the guys hair on top of me & thrust my thumb into his eye.
I got him off me i mean this is painful & not many will risk losing an eye, remember in a BJJ Dojo people do not do this kind of thing.
outside there are no rules like in a
From top position I will risk an eyegouge. The last thing I will do is let a guy up if it is getting that serious.
If the style isn't making the man better. Then it isn't doing its job.

People should be getting more proficient at fighting after having done fighting training

True and it goes without saying....really. However, the "I fight karate style" or "I fight using taekwondo techniques", etc, etc, is, and lets face it, there is no magic in any style that will come to one's rescue. Even intensive training in an art that has teachings that simply don't work well on the street only helps the student to get better in what doesn't work. I know of and have watched pro boxing matches where boxer #1 is much better than boxer #2 only to lose to his inferior opponent.

A black belt who joined my dojo told me of a fight he was in once. While good with all his techniques the fight had to be broken up as he was close to serious injury. A dear sensei of mine, now sadly gone, always to "fight the man and not his weapon or his style". Remember that the fight is ALWAYS inside the dog and not on the outside.

I used to be a sparring partner for an amateur fighter with an impressive record. He like me because I was equally effective orthodox and southpaw. I was good but he was better. In our rounds we were virtually equal and I had the fight in me that kept me on my feet.

I've been in the martial arts for well over 60 years and became well versed in multiple fighting arts. I never thought I'd "fight a style", I just used any and everything I knew and with attitude. Peace, brother.
Several of us here worked for many years as bouncers in large popular gin mills.

I wonder if we ever threw out certain others on here?

If so, I bet we were smiling. :)
Several of us here worked for many years as bouncers in large popular gin mills.

I wonder if we ever threw out certain others on here?

If so, I bet we were smiling. :)

UHH, Ohh..........................