Is it just overkill?

The round was designed to kill tanks/APC's, etc. While there have been (as Jeff mentioned) other rifles made for these rounds, these were issued before tank armor got as strong as it is (which rendered the rifles pretty much irrelevant for their intended purpose).

Overkill against human targets? Sure, but if someone wants to spend $8 a round to shoot the thing, more power to them AFAIC.
Human targets, nah. Think what that thing would do to a squirrel from 2 miles away...
I would like to know what the bullet load is made of. I am wondering if they are HE or depleted uranium or ???? It would def. make someones day go from bad to worse.
This truely looks like a fun gun to shoot. Don't worry about the crimminal element acquiring one of these, illegal or not if a desire is there they will get one.
I would love to see the reloading press for one of these. :rofl:
no its not over kill, unless you are hunting white tailed deer or similar... if you are shooting targets or hunting very large dangerous game.. poler bear comes to mind... or cape buffalo...or maybe vehicles its a good choice... either way I do not see a problem with any one owning the weapon .. just hold them responsible for their actions with it like you with say a .22 rifle.

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