Is BUSH really a failure?


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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Open google.

Type in the word "Failure" without the quotes.

Hit I'm feeling lucky.

Gary Crawford

google will hit on anything with the search words. The fact that the word "failure" brings up articles of those who believe he is doesn't mean a thing.


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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Gary Crawford said:
google will hit on anything with the search words. The fact that the word "failure" brings up articles of those who believe he is doesn't mean a thing.

Did you fail to notice its the OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE website?

When you do an "Im feeling lucky" it brings up the first site that the keyword hits on. in this case its the official White House website for Bush.

Thats the only reason I posted that, I found it amusing that the first site that comes up is that one, and that its Bushs page, to boot.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Terre Haute, IN
This is called a googlebomb. It's an intentional trick played on the president. We talk at work all the time about how to defeat such attempts to mislead search engines.

They started it as "miserable failure" if memory serves.


Senior Master
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Jul 30, 2004
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Twin Cities
Depends on how we measure success, if you count not having the earth crash into the Sun, then, yes, Bush's adminstration has been a resounding triumph


<font color=blue><B>Grand UberSoke, Sith-jutsu Ryu
Jan 11, 2004
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That's ok. Even if you didn't, but lived in Ohio, you would have. :wavey:

HAH! The first link is to his Bio!!!! Thats a riot!

"I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough to handle the job is underestimating."
-George W. Bush


Master of Arts
Mar 20, 2004
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Long Island
Is he a failure? That depends on how you look at it. He's been extremely successful advancing the radcon agenda.

He wanted to invade Iraq, and he did.
He wanted to dismantle environmental protections, and he did.
He wanted to cut social programs, and he has.
He promised tax cuts for the wealthy, and he delivered.
By the end of his term, he will have appointed at least two right wing judges to the Supreme Court.
He has strengthened the connection between corporate America and the government.
He has decreased corporate liability.
He has helped increase corporate profits.
He has appointed many of his friends--qualified or not--to high government jobs.
He said he would increase the involvement of faith based organizations in government, and he did.

So, by the criteria of accomplishing what he set out to do, he has been VERY successful.

His major failures have been his inability to dismantle social security, his failure to conduct the war and aftermath in a successful manner, the inability to keep up the appearance of honesty and ethics in his administration, and the inability to secure for himself a favorable view in the eyes of future generations. He may be remembered as the worst president in the history of this country.

He has also not accomplished his stated goal of being "a uniter, not a divider," but, I don't believe that was really his aim. He seems to think that the only way to "unite" is to coerce everyone into going along with his agenda--you know, either you're with me or you're a terrorist. He is a polarizer.

And he certainly hasn't helped the poor, the working person, and the middle class--again, never his goals.

IMO Bush has damaged this country badly, possibly for generations to come. In that sense, I believe he has failed to advance the principles of this country and the American people. But from his vantage point, he has been extremely successful.


Senior Master
Aug 5, 2005
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Phoenix44 said:
He wanted to invade Iraq, and he did.
You are right... should not have. We should have allowed him to further his weapons program and shoot down our planes continuously. Quite right. his continuous evasion of inspection did not pose a problem either.

He wanted to dismantle environmental protections, and he did.
Really? examples? I don't see environmental protections dismantled. The world must be going to pot ;)

He wanted to cut social programs, and he has.
You think we did not have any waste in those programs? think they were perfectly efficient? All we can ever do is ADD to these programs? If there is ever waste in the program and someone cuts, its evil and bad for the poor?
He promised tax cuts for the wealthy, and he delivered.
AND EVERYONE ELSE TOO. Why does everyone choose to ignore this. If you want to cut taxes, you cut taxes FOR THOSE PAYING THE TAXES. The wealthy are the employers in this country. You want to stimulate the economy and employ more people, they need tax cuts. we take out enough already from their hard work.

By the end of his term, he will have appointed at least two right wing judges to the Supreme Court.
We had one judge retire, one judge die. Do you suggest he promote a left wing judge? we have a republican president and a republican senate. That equals a republican judge. You are suprised?

He has strengthened the connection between corporate America and the government.
Do you think there should be a seperation between them? One role of the government is to facilitate business. I'd rather have officials that have practical experience in the real world. I think thats a good thing. You live your whole life in DC, you don't know what most people are going through in real life. I hope government is aware of whats going on in the business world. I'd complain if they did not.

He has decreased corporate liability.
yeah... thats bad. I enjoy seeing people sue McD's because they spilled hot coffee on their laps. I think we should have unlimited rights to sue companies for billions of dollars for frivilous things.

Want to stimulate the economy? one method would be to limit law suites to those that are really needed. Unless your goal is to bankrupt those companies that actually employ people so that someone who spills some coffee can have millions of dollars so they can retire in comfort.

He has helped increase corporate profits.
And thats bad? What would you suggest? Helping decrease corperate profits? Thats a sign of the economy turning sour. Companies employ people. They lose money, they employ less people. Is this what you are advising?

When corporate profits go up, thats a GOOD thing.

He has appointed many of his friends--qualified or not--to high government jobs.
point taken... I'll agree with you on that one, at least in some of the positions (think FEMA). Thats happened in many administrations though... political favors for supporters/friends. It happens... In the case of FEMA, I wish it had not!

He said he would increase the involvement of faith based organizations in government, and he did.
I've not seen anything being done in this realm, though I'd like to see it done more. People volunteer for things that government pays to do. That sounds like a nice savings to me.

So, by the criteria of accomplishing what he set out to do, he has been VERY successful.

His major failures have been his inability to dismantle social security, his failure to conduct the war and aftermath in a successful manner, the inability to keep up the appearance of honesty and ethics in his administration, and the inability to secure for himself a favorable view in the eyes of future generations. He may be remembered as the worst president in the history of this country.

The left always thinks the right wants to terminate social security. that is not what he proposed. he tried to fix a broken system. Hopefully that will happen, but it does not look likely.

I don't particularly care for the APPEARANCE of ethics. I'd rather a man be honest and accused that be dishonest and not accused. If you think he is dishonest and there is evidence, investigate. I'm willing to accept that he is dishonest is proof is provided. Until them, the APPEARANCE of dishonesty is not enough to shake my faith in the administration. Need proof (and not some leftwing blog, read enough of those).

The worst president ever? Perhaps in your opinion...

He has also not accomplished his stated goal of being "a uniter, not a divider," but, I don't believe that was really his aim. He seems to think that the only way to "unite" is to coerce everyone into going along with his agenda--you know, either you're with me or you're a terrorist. He is a polarizer.
Interesting point... I will admit he has not done a great job of being a uniter. In order to unite, you need two willing parties. More often than not that requires some kind of compromise. Seems neither sides are willing to compromise too much. So, in that, I'll admit he did not achieve his goal... it was a nice thought though...

And he certainly hasn't helped the poor, the working person, and the middle class--again, never his goals.
Tax cuts have helped. The opposition against church involvement does not help this situation.

IMO Bush has damaged this country badly, possibly for generations to come. In that sense, I believe he has failed to advance the principles of this country and the American people. But from his vantage point, he has been extremely successful.

Not just his, but alot of peoples too... What do you percieve to be the "principles of this country"? The majority of people who elected Bush seem to have different views than you do (or at least I do!) With regard to being successful, I'm glad he has been in most things...



Senior Master
Oct 25, 2002
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Technopunk said:
Did you fail to notice its the OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE website?

When you do an "Im feeling lucky" it brings up the first site that the keyword hits on. in this case its the official White House website for Bush.

Thats the only reason I posted that, I found it amusing that the first site that comes up is that one, and that its Bushs page, to boot.

If you click the "Google Search" button, the first site it brings up is also the official White House biography for President Bush.

Ironically, the second site it brings up is Michael Moore's official website.

I would say that both of those results are delightfully accurate. ;)



Senior Master
Oct 25, 2002
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mrhnau said:
The worst president ever? Perhaps in your opinion...

Well, as Fareed Zakaria pointed out, he's definately the most fiscally irresponsible president in the history of our country. President Bush has never come across a spending bill, in Texas or in Washington, that he didn't like.

As for the other stuff, I'll leave the historians to figure those out.



Black Belt
Aug 23, 2004
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Hebron, KY
Oh, lighten up everyone. It's funny, not reality. Whether he is a failure or not is just a matter of opinion, and he will not be remembered as the worst President ever in history books even though some would hope so or think it in their own minds. It's just funny that his name comes up when the word failure is put into Google, whether someone made that happen on purpose or not. It's not like his name is under the word failure in the dictionary. (I'll just serve that one up for anyone who wants to say something really creative like "well, it should be, or "not yet anyway.")

Bob Hubbard

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Guys, don't pick on the fiscal part....I'm in the process of tryint to get a government grant to study the effects of internet usage on martial arts experts. It'll allow us to offer free beer nuts in the mod lounge again. :)


Senior Master
Nov 18, 2005
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He is one of the most successful Presidents ever.

He has engineered the largest transfer of wealth from the working poor and middle class to the rich in history. He has successfully shrunk the middle class, raised deficits and gutted working government programs to a degree unprecedented in our nation's past. He has gotten more people into hunger faster than anyone since Hoover. He has gotten religion more firmly entrenched in government than anyone else in the last 100 years. He has done more to advance the cause of Islamic terrorism and diminish our stature abroad than anyone else. Even Lyin' Be Johnson couldn't make us quite the pariahs that the Shrub has.

He's finally gotten rid of the last of those pesky civil liberties and broken through conceptual barriers like international law, detention without trial and torture.

He's a success. And I'd be darned proud to call him the President of Zimbabwe or Tajikistan. Why, if he were drowning I'd even pitch in and throw him an anvil.


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
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In regards to conservation, pollution, protection of environment, etc, the Bush Administration has probably the worst record of any president in 100 years.

Click on any of the topics on this website and it will give you a full accounting of the negative environmental impacts that have come to pass because of decisions this administration has made.

The Kai

Master of Arts
Apr 15, 2004
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The Man was put into power by the oil companies, waht do you expect?

Bob Hubbard

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A point I'd like to make:

President Bush was selected/elected as president twice.
Please note the title: President.

He is not King.

There are 200 theoretically educated individuals in the Senate, and 500+ in the House who have the power to overturn many of these decisions.

They do not.

They however do pass laws and policy that continue to erode our way of life, often without reading it first.

Bush may in fact be a bad president, but the blame for the state of our nation is not solely his, and it is not fair to place it all on him. There are others equally if not more to blame.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
Bob Hubbard said:
There are 200 theoretically educated individuals in the Senate

Well, 200 egos maybe--each of theirs is double-sized.

But I agree. The Congress has let the executive branch accrete power and now it complains about things it should be able to change--if it had the willpower and the political courage to do so.

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
Courage, Willpower, Balls....
A politician has not these things.