Immigration and Illegal Aliens - Democratic Candidates

Rich Parsons

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Oct 13, 2001
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Immigration and Illegal Aliens - Democratic Candidates

Since many people vote on emotional issues or one side versus another I was curious if I could get the stance of the candidates on this issue.



Mar 1, 2003
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This is not a contentious issue. The majority of American people favor some sort of program that allows those undocumented workers to continue playing their part in society. Usually allowing some sort of guest worker program. We are not a mean people. I know you might not get this opinion from the echo chamber of right wing radio.

If you look to the first two Presidential contests ... the candidates that hyperventilated the most on this issue did not score well.

The candidates that have the less draconian plans, did score well.

As for the individual positions of the candidates, it may be better for those who are curious, to look for themselves. Information about the candidates and their positions is easy enough to come by.
Rich Parsons

Rich Parsons

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Oct 13, 2001
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This is not a contentious issue. The majority of American people favor some sort of program that allows those undocumented workers to continue playing their part in society. Usually allowing some sort of guest worker program. We are not a mean people. I know you might not get this opinion from the echo chamber of right wing radio.

If you look to the first two Presidential contests ... the candidates that hyperventilated the most on this issue did not score well.

The candidates that have the less draconian plans, did score well.

As for the individual positions of the candidates, it may be better for those who are curious, to look for themselves. Information about the candidates and their positions is easy enough to come by.


If I may call you Michael. I was hoping that people would take this section serious and post links to data. I thought maybe they would help to make this site even better but showing that this can present the data even if it from their main sites for the campaigns.

I was not asking for opinions of members here on this site but the actual information or links to such.

That was my hope in my questions.

Thank you for your reply though.


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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This is not a contentious issue. The majority of American people favor some sort of program that allows those undocumented workers to continue playing their part in society.

Do they? I'd agree that most people might be willing to support a Guest worker program for people visiting legally, but how many for a "allow the undocumented (oh hell, lets call what they are, Illegal Aliens) to stay and work" program. Can you show me where "The majority of American people favor some sort of program that allows those undocumented workers to continue playing their part in society." Cuz I havn't seen it. I've seen a large number (I won't say majority, because Im not arrogant enought to assume I know what everyone thinks) who favor immigration reform, and think Illegals should be sent home and made to come back thru channels.

And since it was the question, Can we get a breakdown of where the candidates stand on this issue?


Mar 1, 2003
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According to an LA Times/Bloomberg poll, yes. And, it is not a political party based decision.
But “a strong bipartisan majority -- 60 percent -- favors allowing illegal immigrants who have not committed crimes to become citizens if they pay fines, learn English and meet other requirements” according to the most recent L.A. Times/Bloomberg poll.
On another question, more than a third of those polled say immigrants have helped their state more than they hurt it. A nearly equal proportion of people say immigrants have both hurt and helped their state about the same amount.

Many claim it is the party activists that drive candidates to the extremes during the primaries. This issue does have some very active, especially in the Republican Party. This issue will be dangerous to any Republican candidate that grabs firmly to issue. Both McCain and Huckabee have tried to have a shade of gray position. But, the Laura Ingrahams, Pat Buchanans, Lou Dobbs, Jay Severins, and others in rightwingnutosphere are going to keep pulling on those Republican Candidates.

Most of us, it would seem, have more pressing issues to hold our attention.
Rich Parsons

Rich Parsons

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Oct 13, 2001
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According to an LA Times/Bloomberg poll, yes. And, it is not a political party based decision.

Many claim it is the party activists that drive candidates to the extremes during the primaries. This issue does have some very active, especially in the Republican Party. This issue will be dangerous to any Republican candidate that grabs firmly to issue. Both McCain and Huckabee have tried to have a shade of gray position. But, the Laura Ingrahams, Pat Buchanans, Lou Dobbs, Jay Severins, and others in rightwingnutosphere are going to keep pulling on those Republican Candidates.

Most of us, it would seem, have more pressing issues to hold our attention.

So back on topic.

Since it is not a party issue, but still can be an issue for people, I would like to see the points for each candidate presented.

I asked per party as in the Primary for my state one can only vote in for one party and not both. So I thought if this site had a nice well laid out thread or two about the issues and about the candidates, then maybe jsut maybe people who come here only for the study would also be a productive members in this forum as well. I mean if Bob the owner of this site can spend the time to make his points on the issues known, I thought we could share them all.

I was not looking to be insulting to each party or individual but just to lay it out as this person does this. That persons does that.


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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Most of us, it would seem, have more pressing issues to hold our attention.

Those quotes do not support what you said. It doesnt state we should allow Illeglas to keep working illegally. It says we should allow them the opportunity to become citizens. And the second quote states "Immigrants" not Illegal Aliens.

I'm for both of those things, but I'm not for allowing Illegal aliens to continue to be here illegally. So to me, its not a Non-issue. I want to know what the candidates are planning on doing about Immigration reform.

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