If your a StarWars Geek this is for you.

im a big SW fan... pretty cool stuff. hey everyone has to have their hobbies right :)
Well, in Episode II, I noticed one of the "extra" Jedi was clearly demonstraing Pilipino Martial Arts. I saw a "payong" or umbrella block, and a one handed grip with his left hand in the usual "alive" hand position.

I also hear a lot of kempo showed up.
yeah... seems like the jedi were skilled in some sort of martial arts also. i think the whole jedi / sith thing is very cool!
These guys have been around for a long time, I first fond their site close to three years ago...

I thought the idea was interesting, but it bothers me in the same way whole groups of people walking around dressed like Klingons and inventing a made up language and spending time learning to speak it do...

At least the "jedi" people are somewhat productive.

(And this is coming from the geek with Star Wars Tattoos)
LOL.. too funny. i was never very fond of star trek, but i did like the old tv ones with captain kirk. to me star wars is far better, but they are both sci-fi which is ok in my book.... but SW is still better...hee hee
Star Wars is always been better and always will be.
My favorite part of that web site was the learn how to use the lightsabre section. This guy was talking about horse stances and right bow stances, hey maybe he knows Kenpo....hmmmmmm.

:jedi1: :jediduel:

:xwing: :stoplurk:
yeah the lightsaber section was the best part!