I want to Marry and Divorce Madonna!!!


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Madonna's ex set to get $75 million in settlement

53 mins ago

LONDON – Madonna's spokeswoman says the singer has settled with ex-husband Guy Ritchie for at least 50 million pounds ($75 million).
Liz Rosenberg told The Associated Press Monday that Madonna has given Ritchie between 50 and 60 million pounds as part of their divorce agreement.
She says the figure includes the value of the couple's country home Ashcombe in western England.
Puts up with her **** and gets $75 million bucks. Wonder if it was worth it?
I could retire me, my husband, my kids early for that much if I was careful.

I don't think, however, I could conscientiously marry someone just for the money.
Madonna :shrug: now make it Michelle Yeoh and we just might have a deal... at half the price :D

Michelle Yeoh?! Well, I might have a little trouble raising the money... can I pay in installments?
I could retire me, my husband, my kids early for that much if I was careful.

I don't think, however, I could conscientiously marry someone just for the money.

Excluding the "EW" factor is someone had $2,000,000 (* Yes just two million dollars *) that could be invested into bonds for 5% return would get that person $100,000 a year before taxes. I know most people can get by on $100,000 a year.

Now just to find the Two Mill and the 5% investment. ;)
Maybe if it could be over and done with really fast -- like Britney's wedding in Vegas.
Screw that, I'm just gonna write Oprah with a sob story and get 2 million dollars.

It was on the "news" (I think it was E!) that Madonna and Guy had gone to some type of counselling earlier in their marriage and they signed some type of "contract" for their behavior in the marriage.

Some of the things spelled out were.

1) Couldn't raise his voice at her
2) Only could have scheduled sex on certain days
3) Had to agree to read a certain number of Kabbalah books
4) Some general thing about helping contribute to her spiritual growth

It was also rumored any time he did something she would just respond with "Contract".
It was on the "news" (I think it was E!) that Madonna and Guy had gone to some type of counseling earlier in their marriage and they signed some type of "contract" for their behavior in the marriage.

Some of the things spelled out were.

1) Couldn't raise his voice at her
2) Only could have scheduled sex on certain days
3) Had to agree to read a certain number of Kabbalah books
4) Some general thing about helping contribute to her spiritual growth

It was also rumored any time he did something she would just respond with "Contract".
That makes it just what she says it is ... not a friggin marriage.
Why did she bother to say "I do" when she's not?
Did she marry out of propriety?