Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
I realize this is only my personal opinion and many others would very likely disagree but…
The Rant begins :angry:
I generally do not get a chance to watch much TV beyond what my kids watch and the occasional PBS show but this past weekend I got violently ill and for 48 straight hours I was unable to sleep or move much so all I did was watch TV, except of course for the 5 hours I spent in the ER getting IVs put into me due to severe dehydration. But from this high exposure TV experience I have pretty much come to the conclusion that other than Noggin, Nickelodeon and PBS that TV is pretty much awful. I did find on occasion that The Discovery Channel, The History Channel and the Science Channel had a few good shows but I have over 720 choices on my TV and that still leaves over 720 Channels that are simply not worth a damn… I absolutely despise reality shows :disgust: and just about every other sitcom or series I came across was equally as bad. I can’t take anymore blood, guts, gore, sex, whining, fighting stupidity or angst:barf:.. and don’t get me started on the repeat news from multiple angles with the overly perky, happy, emotion free, cosmetically enhanced, or serious news person:cuss:. And the commercials…. Will someone first explain to me why on earth ANYONE cares about Bret Michael, his rock of love and one of his cosmetically enhanced groupies breaking an implant and WHY on earth do I need to see that advertised Ad nauseam :tantrum:… I don’t know what channel he is even on… and I don’t want to know… but it seemed like every single time I started flipping channels in vain to find something interesting that I came across a commercial for that…EVERY…SINGLE….TIME…for TWO FRIGGING DAYS!!!!:flammad:
I have had enough of TV and previously I was kind of missing the days I could sit down and watch a show or two… but now… I am rather happy I don’t watch it much at all. I will happily stick with kid’s shows and PBS and the news ONCE a day.
Rant over :asian:
All total I it ended up as a total of 4 days of television viewing and I will say the one thing I did watch with great interest was the inauguration and it was the first time I ever watched and inauguration of any president actually and I am rather happy I did. And it was the only time I was happy there was greater than one station covering it…. 50 however was a bit of overkill but due to the historic nature of it I will let that one go...

I generally do not get a chance to watch much TV beyond what my kids watch and the occasional PBS show but this past weekend I got violently ill and for 48 straight hours I was unable to sleep or move much so all I did was watch TV, except of course for the 5 hours I spent in the ER getting IVs put into me due to severe dehydration. But from this high exposure TV experience I have pretty much come to the conclusion that other than Noggin, Nickelodeon and PBS that TV is pretty much awful. I did find on occasion that The Discovery Channel, The History Channel and the Science Channel had a few good shows but I have over 720 choices on my TV and that still leaves over 720 Channels that are simply not worth a damn… I absolutely despise reality shows :disgust: and just about every other sitcom or series I came across was equally as bad. I can’t take anymore blood, guts, gore, sex, whining, fighting stupidity or angst:barf:.. and don’t get me started on the repeat news from multiple angles with the overly perky, happy, emotion free, cosmetically enhanced, or serious news person:cuss:. And the commercials…. Will someone first explain to me why on earth ANYONE cares about Bret Michael, his rock of love and one of his cosmetically enhanced groupies breaking an implant and WHY on earth do I need to see that advertised Ad nauseam :tantrum:… I don’t know what channel he is even on… and I don’t want to know… but it seemed like every single time I started flipping channels in vain to find something interesting that I came across a commercial for that…EVERY…SINGLE….TIME…for TWO FRIGGING DAYS!!!!:flammad:
I have had enough of TV and previously I was kind of missing the days I could sit down and watch a show or two… but now… I am rather happy I don’t watch it much at all. I will happily stick with kid’s shows and PBS and the news ONCE a day.
Rant over :asian:
All total I it ended up as a total of 4 days of television viewing and I will say the one thing I did watch with great interest was the inauguration and it was the first time I ever watched and inauguration of any president actually and I am rather happy I did. And it was the only time I was happy there was greater than one station covering it…. 50 however was a bit of overkill but due to the historic nature of it I will let that one go...