I need help with 540 kick


White Belt
Nov 7, 2008
Reaction score
I've been practicing it for a few weeks now, but there's a little improvement. I keep landing it on a non-kicking leg. I watched several youtube tutorials, but that didn't help much. Any advice?
Practice the jump turn without the kick until you stick it consistantly, then throw the kick in.

I've been practicing it for a few weeks now, but there's a little improvement. I keep landing it on a non-kicking leg. I watched several youtube tutorials, but that didn't help much. Any advice?
This kick takes time just like all kicks. You won't get it in one or even two weeks. Keep practicing and kick low at first. Your kick may only be knee high for the first month or so. It will get higher and higher as time passes. So start really really low. The kick wont even look correct because it is so low. But after some time you will see that it gets higher and higher. Landing on the same leg that is doing the kick is not easy that is why it will take longer.

Just wait until you start the 720 kick. Tons of falling, sprains in knees and ankles. Fun time.
I would agree with troubleenuf about doing without the kick until you get that part down. Then start off like ATC said and make your target about knee high and work your way up, this will aloow for a more powerful kick once you get there.
Have any of the tutorials just told you to work on your plyometrics? If you can increase your jumping explosiveness and height, it will make the kick much easier to learn.
How we teach our students this kick is first get a 360 kick down. Then you want to practicing whipping your kicking leg around. It is hard to explain without showing first hand. Here is Matt Emig's quick turorial:
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