How to become a real ninja

lol ok... ummm yeah interesting lol :shrug:
hey ninja kirk make sure you dont forget to wear black with that black hood that you just learned how to tie and ohhhhh almost forgot to ask... do you have your official ninja sword with all the different weapons built into it???? gotta have that to be a real ninja... lol just joking i know that i might have stepped on some toes with the ninpo guys that might read this but hey its all in good fun lol
well if kirk "disappears" then we'll know they were offended. But I'm sure they can take a joke:D hey what was that noise:eek: oh no !arrrrrgh!!! I'm sorry oh noooooooooo :erg: :ninja:
lol damn ninjas they always sneak up when you least expect it always hiding behind doors and plants and things and hanging from ceilings... and hiding under water too damn ninjas and their sneaking mystical ways lol

I've done this before to mow the lawn...I've got some wicked allergies, and it does wonders to keep the pollen out of my nose and mouth.

Also, some terrorists use that as a quick and easy way to mask themselves. Plus, after they've done their dastardly deeds, they can wear the shirt over the shirt they wore earlier to help disguise themselves in their getaway. Unless they were stupid enough to wear the same color shirt.

And they probably are.

i wish i was the good to be a ninja but i just cant get the tying around my head bit right:asian: