How the US Government Was Overthrown In Three Easy Steps


Senior Master
Jun 16, 2005
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Wow... conspiricy theorist, anti-globalist, and Marxist. Scary....


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
That the idea that the U.S. (and British) governments are manipulated by the super rich is nothing new. Only recently in the last 50 years or so has this idea come about and mounting evidence is piling up to support it. But there is no burden of proof despite the evidence.
We've seen in history how monarchical societies rule the lands they own. Wealth is power which is why during the 13-1700's the accumulation of wealth was tantamount in importance... particularly by the ruling class. Gold, diamonds and other precious gems and metals were the call of the rich, then railroad barons to which the attempted genocide of the American Indians was the chief cause, for the AI's had steadfastly refused lease or ownership of their lands to the whites that needed the land(s) to build their transports. So in convincing the government of the day that it would be a threat to the American citizen (whites) the extermination of the AI and their chief food source (the buffalo) allowed for their wealth to expand, today it's oil. Controlling the media and the (real) truth of it all was an excellent way to gain support for their ideals. Stories of wagon trains being massacred down to the last child by savages roaming the plains where as if they had been on trains they'd been safer. The army being sent to wipe out the plains Indians so that their railways could be built and their trade goods from the east can reach the western settlers faster and the gold that came from the west to reach their banks.
They've learned, by God how they've learned. Instead of ordering people to do what they wanted they allowed freedom and free enterprise increase their holdings to astronomical amounts through trade and goods. Trade and goods which if traced will go back directly to those who hold the lands and resources in their hands/pockets. After the world wars America experienced a unparalleled era of prosperity. Sure, the little guy was getting rich (as the middle and upper middle class) but nowhere near as rich as those who controlled the goods/trade. Besides the little guy now falls into a higher tax bracket don't they?
Now, after the second world war, instead of railways the government was again manipulated into building the super highways/interstates so that trucks loaded with trade goods can travel faster and thus earn a higher profit getting to the consumer faster. True, it was said that the interstate system was originally designed by Eisenhower so that militarily troops could be transported faster from place to place, but now we have giant transport planes that do the same job much faster.
As far as the media is concerned, we all know knowledge is power, controlling how much knowledge the average man receives determines the amount of power you have over them. I suspect they saw the dangers of over educating the public to the point where we would "figure out" these things en-massed and so it wouldn't be surprising that the "dumbing down" of American children has been ordered.
Remember that we have the lowest of any country in the world the knowledge of geography (more important than people think) and math and other essential knowledge requirements.
The point is not to assert that there is a secret group who is pulling the strings of the modern world. It is far more complex. It is possible that there still exist the inner circle of "initiates." But I have no evidence for it. In fact, the evidence strongly suggest that after 1910 or so, the whole organization took on a new character. And it certainly got uglier.
The point is to draw light on this hidden part of our history and the inner workings of the one percent of one percent. They love the shadows and secrecy. They control the flow of information to a horrifying extent. They have untold influence over our government in ways most people can't imagine.
And they have a perilous vision for our world. Who has jurisdiction over a transnational economy. Who can regulate it? What democratic institution can even stand up to it?
This is the central downfall of the globalization idea. As David Rothkopf observes in this Newsweek column, having a global economy is great for the pirates, but is devasting for democracy, sovereignty, and justice.
Yet they are still learning. Recently gas prices are dropping? Why? Because of less consumer demand/consumption. Sooo, they're like "oh-kay fine we'll lower our own profits so the public will keep buying". To me it shows that the public, the masses, the serfs, peasants and pions can exert control over these Lords and rulers by cutting into their purses or slowing the trickle of coins that fill them. Not a lot but at least remind them of where and who's back-breaking labors are filling their coffers.
It'll all come to a head I think. An oppressed people will take getting bent over the fence for so long before straightening back up and saying "no more!"
Remember the French Revolution.


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
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This information is startling by itself. People need to see this and then dig deeper...and that's when the terror begins.

Because you realize that every system, every institution, every popularly printed word, nearly our entire society is controlled by an international elite superclass. Our democratic institutions, our human rights, our humanity means nothing or is considered maleable to a point where they can recreate who you are or even eliminate you as they see fit.

There are a lot of books that I can recommend that can help people understand this in more detail.

Here are two...

1. The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin

This book outlines the origins of the Federal Reserve and the Elite's plan to control the monetary system in order to control this country and the rest of the world.

2. Underground History of American Education - by John Taylor Gatto

This book outlines how the education system in the United States was taken over by the Superclass in order to accomplish the social changes that they desired.

When I first started learning about these things, I had to overcome a lot of internal resistance. I was very active in politics and very passionate about liberal causes. As time has gone on, I've experience all emotions from sadness to anger to frustration to acceptance to denial and then around the loop...until I've finally come to apostasy of nearly all those things that I thought were so important.

I'm at a loss for words to describe the rest right now, so I'll sign off with this. Nothing matters but freedom. If you value your individuality, if you value the right to make a decision, if you view yourself as intelligent and able and capable, then you need to learn about this and find ways to extricate your life from their web of control.

I don't think you can change the government in order to make this happen. They own the government and everything else...but they don't own you...yet...and what is in your mind.

Choose Again.


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Wow... conspiricy theorist, anti-globalist, and Marxist. Scary....

Marxist was a tool for the elite. They created him and socialists unwittingly serve the superclass.

The guy who wrote this appreciates this guy.

He was no socialist.


Senior Master
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Marxist was a tool for the elite. They created him and socialists unwittingly serve the superclass.

The guy who wrote this appreciates this guy.

He was no socialist.

I'm not going to bother with this.


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
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I'm not going to bother with this.

Well, if you remember this post, then you'll know why I think that.

I know you got socialism on the mind right now and that you are very passionate about it, but, as I said before, that particular subset of ideas will never solve the problems we have now.

The last thing you want to do when dealing with a corrupt government is give them more power to interfere in your life.

As far as Marx is concerned, his dirty little secret is that him and Engels got all of the money they needed to publish their manifesto from the international financiers of the times. The so-called capitalists saw these ideas as the perfect vehicle for their brand of Utopia.

This is why there is not a single communal socialist government in existance. They all have a top down structure where the party higher ups tell the proles how to live their lives.


Have the courage to speak softly
MT Mentor
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MTS Alumni
Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England
No, CN, I fear you misread the intent. He was referencing back to the previous discourse so that you might recall and understand the ground upon which his opinions stand - or so it seems to me at least.

I know that advice on the Internet is worth exactly what we pay for it but making use of a polite form of address and tone costs nothing and can prevent unnecessary RTM generation. It may just be a cross-cultural misinterpretation but I certainly would take your last as personally confrontational if it was directed at me.

Is that how you meant it? Or am I just being too sensitive after all those years hanging around with soldiers and bikers? :D
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Black Belt
Jun 4, 2008
Reaction score
Gaithersburg, MD
Very interesting read. I do believe that much of this is indeed the truth...given that here in the Washington, DC area money and lobbyist really have the upper hand when it comes to dealing with elected officials.

I have always understood that there are those with power and money that try to manipulate our government....I just wonder how many have gotten away with it...and I am even more curious to see the effects of it on how history has played out in the U. S. and the U. K.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
No, CN, I fear you misread the intent. He was referencing back to the previous discourse so that you might recall and understand the ground upon which his opinions stand - or so it seems to me at least.

I know that advice on the Internet is worth exactly what we pay for it but making use of a polite form of address and tone costs nothing and can prevent unnecessary RTM generation. It may just be a cross-cultural misinterpretation but I certainly would take your last as personally confrontational if it was directed at me.

Is that how you meant it? Or am I just being too sensitive after all those years hanging around with soldiers and bikers? :D
Agreed and as has been stressed several times before... there IS the ignore feature on this site which basically means you won't be able to read whatever X person has to say because they rub you the wrong way with everything they say.
Speaking as mentors right now not participants of a thread, which is to say kinda like a older brother trying to keep things civil.
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Xue Sheng

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
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North American Tectonic Plate
I have read the article…finally… and here’s the thing, I do not doubt it is possible as a matter of fact a small group controlling a lot of money in order to control everything so they can have ALL the money and power, based on what little I know of humans and my jaded outlook based on too many years in security, does not surprise me at all

Caver’s response as well as maunakumu response have helped get a better understanding of it but I am REALLY going to have to re-read this because after years of reading things slightly similar whenever I read something like this my brain automatically starts thinking “Yet another conspiracy theorist” and I glaze over and just go through the motions from there.

I do feel that there may be some truth to what the author is saying however I have to get over my own bias towards it before I really figure out what the heck is going on with it. I do believe I will look into the books suggested by maunakumu when I get the chance and convince my wife that it is a GOOD thing for me to buy more books :D
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Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
I have read the article…finally… and here’s the thing, I do not doubt it is possible as a matter of fact a small group controlling a lot of money in order to control everything so they can have ALL the money and power, based on what little I know of humans and my jaded outlook based on too many years in security, does not surprise me at all

Caver’s response as well as maunakumu response have helped get a better understanding of it but I am REALLY going to have to re-read this because after years of reading things slightly similar whenever I read something like this my brain automatically starts thinking “Yet another conspiracy theorist” and I glaze over and just go through the motions from there.

I do feel that there may be some truth to what the author is saying however I have to get over my own bias towards it before I really figure out what the heck is going on with it. I do believe I will look into the books suggested by maunakumu when I get the chance and convince my wife that it is a GOOD thing for me to buy more books :D
Looking at history one can see how the wealthy have manipulated the course of governments and the struggle for power. Knowledge is power and money is of course power by itself. Combine the two and you have potential for absolute corruption, the lure of control/power is too great. But it doesn't last if we look at history.
The Egyptians, Babylonians, Mayans, Romans, Spain, France, even the Britians (whom are still powerful but don't own half the world like they used to). Then later years with Germany who tried to rule by force but had a military might of over 13 million. Russia/Soviets likewise but also fell under the weight of their own power.
The U.S. has been awfully careful in this regard but has of as of late been trying to exert it's muscle to gain control of that (now) precious commodity called Oil. The government doesn't own the oil, private corporations do. Those Saudis they're called princes and kings... why? Because they've the most money in their country.
The African warlords who are trying to accomplish the same thing by obtaining as much of the resources (read: food relief/aid supplies) as they can to maintain control of the populace... also to sell for weapons and such of course.
The old (har har -- sarcastic) funny adage of the golden rule of he who has the gold makes the rules definitely rings true. History proves it, but history also shows that all the weight of all that gold is a midas crutch.


Black Belt
Jun 4, 2008
Reaction score
Gaithersburg, MD
The old (har har -- sarcastic) funny adage of the golden rule of he who has the gold makes the rules definitely rings true. History proves it, but history also shows that all the weight of all that gold is a midas crutch.

Tis true....especially if they keep wanting to accumulate more and more and more. Now I am curious...not that it would ever know what would happen if the owners of that gold, donated it for the good of society.
Xue Sheng

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
As far as the media is concerned, we all know knowledge is power, controlling how much knowledge the average man receives determines the amount of power you have over them. I suspect they saw the dangers of over educating the public to the point where we would "figure out" these things en-massed and so it wouldn't be surprising that the "dumbing down" of American children has been ordered.
Remember that we have the lowest of any country in the world the knowledge of geography (more important than people think) and math and other essential knowledge requirements.

Education is rather important and yet things are made harder for students and teachers instead of better IMO year after year by those that are suppose to be doing what is best for education (Fed and State Education agencies). And I also feel that the US student is way behind in many important areas of education. Geography is very important I am amazed at the level of knowledge my wife has about World Geography that she was taught in school in China also her math and science levels were higher coming out of high school than mine were after a year of college. And China is still teaching this way as are other countries. But the US is lagging. I had not thought of that as a method of control before but it most certainly is one and a good one too.

Yet they are still learning. Recently gas prices are dropping? Why? Because of less consumer demand/consumption. Sooo, they're like "oh-kay fine we'll lower our own profits so the public will keep buying". To me it shows that the public, the masses, the serfs, peasants and pions can exert control over these Lords and rulers by cutting into their purses or slowing the trickle of coins that fill them. Not a lot but at least remind them of where and who's back-breaking labors are filling their coffers.
It'll all come to a head I think. An oppressed people will take getting bent over the fence for so long before straightening back up and saying "no more!"
Remember the French Revolution.

I have said many times in my life that many of the prices of the things we pay are incredibly controllable, just don't buy them and the price will drop. But it takes more than just me to not buy them. Get the majority of the adult (purchasing) population to stop buying cars for a month and watch what happens to prices.

The old (har har -- sarcastic) funny adage of the golden rule of he who has the gold makes the rules definitely rings true. History proves it, but history also shows that all the weight of all that gold is a midas crutch.

In addition to this, and more to your first post, history belongs to the victors

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