How do you go about "Starting" to teach it?
RMA is a very infectious thing. Once you start learning it, and begin to move that way, its hard to "turn it off" when your doing another art. The information bleeds over and through.
I think this can create an awkward sitution for people who are already teaching martial arts when they come to Systema. they recognize the bleed through, enjoy the art, but they aren't really a qualified RMA teacher yet either.
In my case for instance I was teaching mostly Kali, once I noticed the bleed, I felt uncomfortable teacing "Kali", because it really wasn't anymore. It was a FMA-RMA hybrid.
So your uncomfortable about teaching your old art, and you don't feel ready to teach the new art yet. Dilemna.
Really though, regardless of what concious choice the person makes, they still end up on the road toward teaching RMA. the bleeding process either transforms the old art, or they journey forth trying to make a go at the new art.
So how do you go about starting to "teach" RMA? You don't, it goes about you
What does one teach to someone of previous martial art experience?
What does one first teach to those of no experience?
I tend to teach them the same things. Except those WITH experience, I have to repeat things to more often. Frequently there ears and minds aren't as open, and they have more ingrained patterns to let go of. Essentially, everyone is taught the same as far as the "group" part of class goes. Of course you go around and try to connect the material with each individual according to his needs and learning style.