How Bruce Lee Changed The World


Crazy like a...
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Jan 16, 2006
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The History Channel ran a documentary on Bruce Lee's continuing impact on pop culture, entitled "How Bruce Lee Changed The World"

Anyone see it? I enjoyed it very much. One of the images that really stuck with me was the mentioning of the Bruce Lee statue in Bosnia.

Lee was chosen by organisers as a symbol of the fight against ethnic divisions.

"We will always be Muslims, Serbs or Croats," said Veselin Gatalo of the youth group Urban Movement Mostar.

"But one thing we all have in common is Bruce Lee."
I watched it and enjoyed it. I was somewhat surprised so little time was spent on Brandon.
I watched it, while some of it was good, some of it was just how show we say "crap".

I believe that Bruce Lee did have a huge impact on a lot of different people and things, but some of the things they were attributing to him were just unfounded opinion.


1) Bruce Lee is the "father of MMA". He's the one who created mixing the styles into one thing. Nope, there were other martial artists and systems that had already done that (Kajukenbo for example).

2) Bruce Lee was credited with bodybuilder's supplementation programs for taking protein powders, vitamins etc. Nope, Bruce Lee GOT the idea from reading muscle magazines and old training programs.

3) Bruce Lee is credited with using electricity to build his muscles. Claimed it had NEVER been done before and they use it now to treat patient's and rebuild tissue. Nope, where did Bruce buy the machine? Did he invent that one too?

Not to mention all the different philosophies and approaches that Bruce was credited with from the "Tao of JKD" that is mostly plagarized from old boxing/fencing books. I understand that these were Bruce's private notes and I'm not arguing that they weren't meant for the public, but the fact remains that they WERE published as HIS ideas and no credit is given to where he copied them from.

I like watching his movies and I enjoy reading about his process and journey, but I just don't like the hero worship and falsehoods that have been used to build him up even more (he was not "challenged" because he taught non-chinese, he was challenged because he was an arrogant kid who was disrespectful to the elders).
I saw it and enjoyed it although most of it I knew from having read up on him quite a bit. Some of Jackie Chans comments were interesting and funny!
Saw it and nothing new, it is the same song only redone. It is a great way to keep his name out there but times have chaned in the MA community.
I missed it.:-( I felt there was something I was supposed to watch at 10pm because of an ad I saw the day before, but couldn't remember what it was. I then found something that I thought it might be and watched that. Is there a rerun?
Missed it... not a big Lee fan.

I'm certainly not the fan I was as a kid either!