Hello, I'm from Canada

Black Belt Jedi

Blue Belt
Jul 2, 2011
Reaction score
Toronto, Ont. Canada

I'm new here on the Martialtalk forums. I used to post at the black belt mag forums for a couple of years, but it had recently closed down because of the lack of members. So I decided to make the time to look around for a good, active internet forum to discuss Martial Arts.

I have been training in the Martial Arts for 7 years. My main fighting system is Goju-ryu Karate. In Nov. 2009 I have received my Shodan, a great achievement for me, through all my commitments and devotion I have earned it. In addition I have trained in Kobudo, Tai-Chi, Iaido, Koryu-Uchinadi Kenpo Jutsu, Jujutsu, and Arnis/Escrima.

In supplement for my training I study the Martial Arts of Asia, Europe and Africa, thoroughly investigating the roots of various fighting systems.

Many thanks
Welcome! We won't hold the fact that you're from Canada against you. Just kidding!
Welcome Jedi!
Welcome, bro! I'm a newbie, too. It's a real nice place they have here.