Head Butts

Man, do you use youre hairline in soccer? Man everyone knows you must use your forehead to do it! Youre ball should be over all goals!LOL
To use what you expect with youre head, is the same that giving youre head for a choke, something like " Hey comon, choke me!", no way, you should use your forehead, cause its faster to use, no choking problem and anyone has more agility with this part.
Originally posted by lerdrit
head-butting is not allowed in modern muay thai although it is part of the muay boran system.lethway the burmese martial art wich is very similar to muay thai is fought without gloves and head-butting is allowed.

But From The Bando kickBoxing i've seen They do were Gloves.
Lethway(burmese boxing) is fought with only hand wraps no gloves.If you see Bando practitioners fight with gloves it because in America it would be very difficult to find peoplr to fight bare knuckle not to mention all the potential legal problems.True Burmese boxing is fought without gloves, add gloves remove the headbutt and you basicaly have modern muay thai.:asian:

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