Head bouncing on concrete


Jared Traveler

2nd Black Belt
Jul 17, 2022
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I'm not sure about that. I'm just about martial arts and my guess there's a sport side and self-defense side of things for judo. Most people see the sports side of things for judo. Martial art in general wants to end the fight as soon as possible so there's a lot of throws that would increase the chance of hitting the head on the ground. But those throws would be banned in sports judo.

Kano excluded techniques that could not be practiced full force, it wasn't about sport, it was about Randoi practice.


2nd Black Belt
Sep 15, 2022
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Kano excluded techniques that could not be practiced full force, it wasn't about sport, it was about Randoi practice.
Kano was an Educator following the path of "Do" for him Judo was an educational & moralish system.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
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There is an article today where a famous surf pro died after a one punch altercation. He hit his head after falling and died due to that injury. Bad bounce.

And the dude that did it is locked up. No bail. And might do 8 years


Green Belt
Aug 6, 2022
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I have watched a lot of people being knocked out in street encounters lately. Everyone has a cellphone going these days. But I also have seen a lot of unconscious people bounce their head on concrete after falling.

That's scary and can lead to some extremely serious injuries or death. I'm not a huge fan of Lee Morrison but I have heard him talk about grabbing and striking, so you can control their decent upon knocking them out.

I think there is some validity to this. I also think this is one more reason the Muay Thai clinch is valuable. Being able to even articulate an attempt to keep them from bouncing their head would go a long ways in a police report to set the stage for a positive legal aftermath.

Never been knocked out in a fight but have seen my share of stars and a big white light a few times but having a very mild form of cerebral palsy that is to be expected!! Did fight this black belt once(never ever be so eager to move in) right after that I knew nothing at all!!!! Scared the hell out of me I thought my eyeball was coming out it’s very challenging to drive 40 miles home with my eye swollen shut!!!!!

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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I have watched a lot of people being knocked out in street encounters lately. Everyone has a cellphone going these days. But I also have seen a lot of unconscious people bounce their head on concrete after falling.

That's scary and can lead to some extremely serious injuries or death. I'm not a huge fan of Lee Morrison but I have heard him talk about grabbing and striking, so you can control their decent upon knocking them out.

I think there is some validity to this. I also think this is one more reason the Muay Thai clinch is valuable. Being able to even articulate an attempt to keep them from bouncing their head would go a long ways in a police report to set the stage for a positive legal aftermath.

I'd like to change the subject a bit. Instead of trying to use only techniques to somehow guarantee a person's noggin doesn't meet the tarmac, how about this - don't go to bars, don't get into fights. Because anything can happen in a bar fight. They're chaotic, not controlled fights.

Here's one from a couple days ago. But I've seen many news stories like this. Two guys get drunk, decide they hate each other, head out to the parking lot for fisticuffs, one guy falls or is knocked down, hits his head, and dies.

Guess what? Now it's a crime. Now a person who thought they were standing up for the honor of their pal or proving a point or whatever is now looking at prison time. Perhaps they'll beat the rap; but they're going to lose their jobs, lose their income, spend some time jail waiting for trial or bail, and spend a fortune in legal fees - and that's if everything goes their way.

Bar fights are stupid. Unless you're law enforcement, they are 100% avoidable. Stay the heck out of bars, and at the very least, if someone wants to fight you, leave.

What technique would I use to avoid bouncing someone's brainpan off the parking lot? Not fighting, that's what technique I would use. Fighting in parking lots is stupid and it's mostly done by stupid people.

Oily Dragon

Senior Master
May 2, 2020
Reaction score
Kano excluded techniques that could not be practiced full force, it wasn't about sport, it was about Randoi practice.
Well you said it, "designed". The practice part is so important, but avoiding injury is probably the coolest thing about arts like Judo, the built in injury prevention techniques that randori and similar sparring are meant to instill.

Throws in every worthwhile throwing art teach throws with different degrees of safety, but Judo is probably the best at it. You learn to fall first, and you learn to try not to hurt your partner when throwing them (which is really easy to do if you're not careful, in a throwing art).

You then learn to throw and get thrown harder and harder, but intending to limit/reduce injury as much as possible. That can be tough if you have to practice getting thrown hard dozens of times in one night.

Without that safety factor, people would drop out of class like flies. I think it's important to remember just how easy it is to get maimed/murdered with a single strike. You want practical, effective martial arts, fine but you have to cut pretty close to the bone to get to that level, and every time you train you can break something or worse.

Judoka definitely accidentally get thrown on their heads, after all. Ish happens. So design is all well and good, execution is another matter.

Oily Dragon

Senior Master
May 2, 2020
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An interesting aspect is that judo is designed to thrown an opponent on his back, not his head. While that is a hard hit, and potentially crippling, I think a judoka could at least articulate that he attempted to throw him on his back. And in all likely the person would not hit his head. Although it's certainly still possible.
Every throwing art worth a damn, should teach properly tucking the chin when getting thrown, because that's what makes the difference between your head splattering on the ground or not.

Even on a mat, you can get KTFO if you don't tuck your grill. Man, my head is hurting just thinking about how it feels.

Wing Woo Gar

Senior Master
Sep 30, 2021
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Northern California
Yesterday, my good friend died from a head injury sustained by a hit and run as he crossed the parking lot to a shop. Yesterday, my other very close friend died from accidental overdose due to unknown fentanyl exposure. I found out about them 20 minutes apart. I say all the time that we are very fragile creatures, the proof of that statement hit me like a ton of bricks this morning. Just a fall, or touching a random object that has a poisonous substance on it, and poof we are gone. Keep that in mind fellas, stay safe. I care about all of you.

Jared Traveler

2nd Black Belt
Jul 17, 2022
Reaction score
Yesterday, my good friend died from a head injury sustained by a hit and run as he crossed the parking lot to a shop. Yesterday, my other very close friend died from accidental overdose due to unknown fentanyl exposure. I found out about them 20 minutes apart. I say all the time that we are very fragile creatures, the proof of that statement hit me like a ton of bricks this morning. Just a fall, or touching a random object that has a poisonous substance on it, and poof we are gone. Keep that in mind fellas, stay safe. I care about all of you.
I'm sorry to hear that.


Green Belt
Aug 6, 2022
Reaction score
I'm sorry to hear that.
Very bad man! I am now convinced I am still here via divine intervention!!! And I just can’t understand that!! Heard about this one guy that got hit in the head just once and died and many more stories like it! I am human just like y’all are just like they were! What the hell makes me so different????

frank raud

Master of Arts
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON
An interesting aspect is that judo is designed to thrown an opponent on his back, not his head. While that is a hard hit, and potentially crippling, I think a judoka could at least articulate that he attempted to throw him on his back. And in all likely the person would not hit his head. Although it's certainly still possible.
MOST judo throws will have you land on your side (Ogoshi, Hana Goshi, Makkikomi, etc.) There are judo throws where you will land on your back (Morote gari as an example), but if you don't know how to breakfall, there's a high chance of hitting your head on whatever surface you've been thrown on. Unlike some styles of jiu jitsu, there are no judo throws where the intention is to spike your head into the ground.


Yellow Belt
Jul 5, 2022
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Deep in a cave of normal
yes i agree & keep you out of jail. however in a brawl on the cobbles it´s not always easy if it´s a fight with more than one person. Nowadays kids will kick you in the head until your passed out or worse. for me it depends on the situation, if i´m fighting for my life...no rules simple as that.
That's right. Any sign or characteristic of gang or typical mindless frenzy and its bye bye black bird.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 3, 2015
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Yesterday, my good friend died from a head injury sustained by a hit and run as he crossed the parking lot to a shop. Yesterday, my other very close friend died from accidental overdose due to unknown fentanyl exposure. I found out about them 20 minutes apart. I say all the time that we are very fragile creatures, the proof of that statement hit me like a ton of bricks this morning. Just a fall, or touching a random object that has a poisonous substance on it, and poof we are gone. Keep that in mind fellas, stay safe. I care about all of you.
Hang in there that's a hard loss to have especially back to back.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
And the dude that did it is locked up. No bail. And might do 8 years
I took a look at some of the reporting and it sounds like there was more than just that punch going on . Below is one of the things that is being said.
"Grant Coleman was arrested and is facing two charges including assault causing death and intentionally choking a person without consent"

Coking a person without consent makes me wonder what's going on in Australia lol. Other stuff reported makes it sound like the attacker left the scene. I didn't see anything on why the fight started. I wonder if this was the result of a sucker punch.