Have you seen it?


Green Belt
Jul 19, 2006
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Circle of Iron?? 1979 movie with David Carradine and Jeff Cooper. If you've seen it just wondering what message you felt like it conveyed.
Yes! It was just hsowing on a movie channel recently, in fact, though I didn't re-watch it. I remember finding it somewhat hokey I'm afraid. Obviously a David Carradine vehicle.
I saw it when it first came out and liked it. Don't really remember it now but arnisador is right, it was a typical David Carradine vehicle. Come to think of it, even in the Kill Bill movies David always stayed true to who he was. IE: a wanna be mystical Martial Artiest. Fun to watch but not a lot of substance.
I saw it, I own it ... it was the first MA movie that I saw where many different styles were showcased. I liked it at the time, but over the years it lost its magic.

The message, been so long I'm not sure I can recall ... how about stay true to yourself and your art, and you will overcome whatever challenge is set before you.

I'd have to watch it again, I may be recalling something that never existed ... LOL
didn't like it then and don't like it now...i don't care for david carradine as an actor or as a wanna be martial artist.
Yes! It was just hsowing on a movie channel recently, in fact, though I didn't re-watch it. I remember finding it somewhat hokey I'm afraid. Obviously a David Carradine vehicle.

Acually it was supposed to be a Bruce Lee vehicle (he co wrote it I believe) with a big name hollywood star who was his student at the time. Course that was before he died.

If I remember right they wanted a person who wasn't real karate/MAs to play the part that Cooper played so his style would truly be his own and Bruce Lee would have played the part that David Carradine played.

I liked it back then, even watched it several years ago and I still thought it was pretty good, in fact got more out of it even. But the whole concept and the "mystical" messages is Bruce Lee's influence.
I have to go along with the Hokey Pokey thought. It was a mirage of messages that were suppose to make you think deeper, but somewhere along the line, I figured the message was lost. It was ok to see once, but not twice. I got more out of Barry Gordy's The Last Dragon then I did with this movie.
I thought it was good for what it was.Kinda reminded me of the karate kid a little. And I would have to agree Very Typical David in this movie. But now I'm interested in why Bruce Lee didn't play the role. Wonder what that would have been like...
An interesting thing about this film is that the original script, The Silent Flute, was co-written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn. Coburn was originally going to play Cord, but the two had a falling out while in India and the project was scrapped.

Circle of Iron is a significant rewrite of the script and I think a lot of the spiritual message Lee had intended was truncated and made a bit twee. It was a perfect vehicle for Carradine to pretend to be a mystical martial artist though.
too many messages lost in bad acting
it was enjoyable at the time but still no where what I though tit should have been They could have done a much better job with the whole project
I have to go along with the Hokey Pokey thought. It was a mirage of messages that were suppose to make you think deeper, but somewhere along the line, I figured the message was lost. It was ok to see once, but not twice. I got more out of Barry Gordy's The Last Dragon then I did with this movie.

I definetly got more laughs out of The Last Dragon. Who can forget Bruce Lee Roy, Sho Nuff Shogan the Shogan of Harlem, or Sum Dum Guy? I loved the homage played to Game of Death and Kareem, with Lee Roy getting kicked by Sho Nuff in the chest which left a big Converse All Star foot print on Lee Roy's yellow track suit.
lol yeah I go major laughs out of the sum dum guy bit.
I really enjoyed that one. It too was a product of its time and can't be taken overly seriously, but it had heart and was just a lot of fun. I'll suggest the DVD to my wife and kids as a stocking stuffer!

I can't go quite that far. We watched it within the last 5 years, my wife thought it was a hoot when we first saw it. We rented it and it was enough for me not to watch for the next 15 years, the whole disco thing was just to painful to watch. If I need humor I watch "Kung Po Enter the Fist" or "Kung fu Hustle", or if I really need to go way back I'd try to dig up a copy of "They call me Bruce" or "Black belt Jones".

Check out Ernie Reyes Jr. when he was about 8-10 years old he was awesome (martial art talent wise) for the small bit he played in The Last Dragon, still is quite good.