
  • Thread starter Master of Blades
  • Start date

Guns. Good or Bad?

  • Good

  • Bad

  • Only own one for protection of me/family

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Master of Blades

Good or Bad and Why? Cuz I know we have a lot of gun lovers and a lot of gun haters and those who only have them for protection. But what do you feel on the matter of them?
wooo hoooo good wins lol personally i think that its a good idea to own firearms... i own about 10 i use them for hunting, target shooting, self/home defense, and a few i bought just as a collectable. this is a debate that can go on for ever as to wether guns are good or bad...
man that sucks some one else voted lol now its at 50% lol
Originally posted by TLH3rdDan
wooo hoooo good wins lol personally i think that its a good idea to own firearms... i own about 10 i use them for hunting, target shooting, self/home defense, and a few i bought just as a collectable. this is a debate that can go on for ever as to wether guns are good or bad...

Very true......which is why I figured It would be a good post to start this forum off :asian:
I voted Good,

I just choose not to own one at this moment. :D
Guns as with any weapon are not the problem it is how and why they are used that is the problem. If the would be criminal did not have the use of a gun he/she would find another weapon to use.
I support the right of any law abiding citizen to own a firearm for self-defense.

I would ask the question, 'who else's responsibility is it to protect you and your family'?
"A sword is merely a tool in a killers hands"
Me like guns........:biggun: :bazook: :2pistols: :snipe2: :ak47: :snipe:
I vote Good. I have some firearms, I have had some since I was 17... Ive never had a gun accident or shot somone or used one to commit a crime...

Based on that, I have to say Guns dont make you commit crimes, Criminals USE guns to commit them.

Can't blame the tool, just the user...
The Bill of Rights guarantees me the right to keep and bear arms and I intend to do so. As long as criminals have firearms, so will I.
Guns are neither good nor bad, they are inanimate objects. Much like a knife is neither good nor bad. It depends on the intent and user. I use a knife every day to do my job, so in that it is good. Terrorists used very similar kives in order to facilitate the murder of 3000 human beings.

I use a gun to develop the skills needed to save a life. Either my own or others. In that it is good. However there are some people who misuse them.

Like drunk drivers can misuse automobiles to produce a large number of fatalities. Yet automobiles are often used to transport people to the hospital or to their daily chores.

It is all in intent.
I am perfectly ok with owning guns, just as long as no one else does. :D
I don't hunt, or anything like that. I'm just that type of guy, one who can't kill anyone. Ironic because I'm one of the biggest meat eaters (mostly lean), but if I meet it, I don't want to eat it.

However, I love guns. I own about 4 of them... A Les Baer 1911, a Sig, a 12 gauge, and an AR-15.
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